Welcome to Keyventureland, an enchanting world where your keyboard is the gateway to endless adventures! Join our quirky potato-shaped hero, Antonín, as he embarks on a journey across a giant keyboard. You'll help Antonín through a series of captivating mini-games. Test your skills in word creation challenges, memory games, and classic arcade fun like snake and minesweeper. Each key holds a new surprise and every press brings you closer to mastering the magical realm of Keyventureland. Get ready to type, play, and explore like never before!

Made for the 15th Kajam game jam!

Rated 3.3 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
Tags2D, minigames, Singleplayer, Top-Down, Word game


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How do I get to any of the F keys if i'm on a laptop?

Hmm, good point. Didn't even occur to me. There is probably an fn-key that can be used to access those?

I've tried every non-letter key, but nothing has happened. I had to lose a few times during the snake segment due to this, which wasn't that bad but was a little annoying.

I have a glitch where it started me midway into the game with no keybind settings. How do I fix this?

So you played before and it didn't fully save your key binds somehow? So on Chrome/Firefox you can open dev tools with F12, go to application/storage tab. Under local storage section should be a entry for "html-classic.itch.zone" and there a key "KeybGameSave". By right clicking on that and selecting delete, it will clear the previous save.

I cant get past the part where Im supposed to go from space to backspace back to space becuase when I try and go on space the second time it says no duplicates. ??? . what am I supposed to do?

I think you're missing a crucial step. It's to space, then to backspace and back to space through this space (which if I remember correctly should be enter). So you actually gotta go SPACE -> BACKSPACE -> ENTER -> SPACE


My first word was "Junk"

Thanks for the laugh when Potato dude said "Checking your junk"
I wasn't prepared for that.
And right after his word was "kink"
Oh boy I am dying

That was actually the first word that came to my mind when creating that "puzzle" and I worded the response around that. Good to hear that someone actually encountered that semi-unintentional joke.

much love, had fun with this (though it was frustrating at times, the save was easy to edit :P) i hope this is the start of a less shitty year for you!

Haha, true. I was actually even contemplating on doing a level where you'd need to alter the save or at least check the sources or something like that. But might have been a bit much for most people. I think even the current challenges are too tough. What parts did you find the most frustrating ones?

i believe i had an impossible maze... assuming there were definite go / no-go keys, rather than sequences that would change the behavior of certain keys.

I'm also just no good at the "spinner" level, though i believe skipping that may have screwed up the following part a bit... the questions didn't seem to display, i ended up getting through it by key mashing lol, after which Antonin very quickly pressed a bunch of number keys before moving on. Also, the keys for GERMANY were highlighted throughout the quick typing section, despite that not being the answer...

(1 edit)

The maze is the same no matter the keys. But yeah, it's not too fun of a concept for sure as it's basically just trial and error with a bit of a memory requirement. And from that description yeah, seems like you managed to break something. Just incrementing the level shouldn't be enough but maybe in conjunction with something else you did or something. Cause it seems like quite a few of the games weren't working 100% correctly. Like I guess Germany was the solution of a round but the keys didn't get reset properly for some reason.

playing through again to check out what i missed and had the same issue with the questions... maybe it's a joke i'm not getting. but i did see a few new games I had missed! maybe my fiddling messed up more than I thought! now I'm stuck at the "related keys" puzzle, can't seem to figure out how to end it...

Which questions do you mean?

i got softlocked on the space backspace enter space puzzle

Did you get to a corner and all surrounding keys were used? There should be a safeguard against it but guess it doesn't work always then. You can also refresh the page and it will continue from the same spot.

Help! I am stuck! 

I think I found a way to get 30 extra lives, but I don't know where is the pause screen. Trying not to give out spoilers

There is no pause screen. You can just do it anywhere.

Also, having sounds on helps a lot on solving that puzzle.

Oh wow! It is such a relief that my progress is saved between play sessions.

Unfortunately, I can't progress further. I don't hear any different sound


You seemed to be on the right track though. Were you using the arrow keys?

Oh! Damn, I feel silly now :-D

Can't ask this without sharing a picture



(spoilers below)






am i being trolled?

Unintentionally maybe. 😂 They're completely random. My guess would be that it's actually fort...


So I really like it--the problem I ran into was that my keyboard doesn't have a key between shift and Z (on the third row, QWERTY layout).  And my bottom row is Ctrl - Fn - Windows - Alt - Spacebar - Alt -Ctrl.  So I had to kind of make up keys to go there.

I then ended up with a different problem, which was that when I tried to move to an adjacent ALT key, the...potatothing?...told me that ALT was "too far", because it thought I was pressing one of the other ALT keys.

Still, it's a very cool concept, and I'll probably return to it and fill in something other than alt keys for the bottom row and try it again.

Yea alt/win keys are a bit problematic. And it really depends on the mini game whether it can cause issues or not I guess. I think usually on those one step at a time levels it should poll the surrounding keys for the key you press and use that. Wonder why it thought you were pressing a too far one if there was a closer one too. 🤔 But even if you do a bit of a blunder and fill your keys kinda dumb, I don't think any level is unbeatable with pretty much just the letter keys.