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I would really appreciate a line break for the definition text. It often runs off the little game box in both directions. I also have questions about the dictionary, some of the definitions are non-typical. Like "nun", it mentions something abut it being the xth number in the alphabet.
Otherwise a very cute concept.

So the definitions are pulled from some API which I don't quite remember but I don't always use the top results to add some variety. And hey, you can actually learn something (interesting) by seeing some of the ones you probably didn't mean yourself.

(8 edits) (-1)

Not included words (reply with more):

  • FAE
  • LIL
  • TAN
  • RAW
  • LEO (star sign)
  • CIA
  • CEO
  • USA
  • BAE
  • TWAT
  • LUB
Deleted 293 days ago

a limit of only 9 characters for the name doesn't let me put in my username :c



Is there any way to make the cursor smaller? The big ham hand makes seeing the letters nigh impossible.

Not easily at least. The size does depend on your screen resolution so the bigger the rez, the smaller the cursor while everything else scales proportionally. 

I think it would be nice to update the cursor since it's a point many people are asking, and it really does get in the way of the letters


Amazing game, however, the word "raw" is not accepted. would it be possible to add this to the dictionary?

got 1145


Love this game, but in a word game like this dictionary is everything— and this dictionary really needs some weeding. Aside from a bunch of acronyms that shouldn't be included, I just put down a word short for raccoon and got the offensive definition "a black person." Also, yeah, sometimes the game just decides that you've lost when you haven't before you even see the next block. Again, I love the game— I just wish the dictionary was better.

the creator desperately needs to upgrade the dictionary


i love this! i wish the hand cursor was slightly transparent so i could see the letter under it, though

(1 edit)

782 first try!

570th place aint bad, right?

(1 edit)

i am number 721 on leaderboards

Nice game too, i like the graphics, the addition of a multiplier (you don't see things like risk and reward everyday), and the fact that it isn't laggy at all.

(edit: it's been 9 months since this was posted, and i'm now past 1,000 on leaderboards!!)

Looks really good but can't play in browser nor open the download on Mac!

youre using a non-unitywebgl browser

on your system you've probably not tried

(1 edit)

Right, got it working! I do think rotation would be useful re: words, and choice over which word it picked. Very interesting concept though and loved the graphics, would love to see it taken further. Another thing-- it somehow didn't accept "pan" as  a word, which was confusing

EDIT: Weirdly enough, PAN worked fine another time.

I turned on WebGL dev features on Chrome, that enables WebGL.


Great game! I saw this in the full video of the entire livestream, which contained the most popular games from the jam, on Jonas Bonus. (Jonas' second YouTube channel.) I was immediately attracted to it. I played it as soon as I could, and was pleasantly surprised at how well balanced and fun to play it is! Good job to whoever developed this!

Unity Game Developer

Thanks! ❤️


I feel like the game is almost too random? Since you have only one piece and you can't rotate it, You can get "useless" pieces all the time. On the other hand, if you go for the "risk-reward" system with combo, you can get a piece which contains a word by itself and It'll get counted no matter what.  I think that having two, three slots with blocks that you can pull from would make the game much more strategic in nature.


Yup, you are very much right! I'm afraid that block rotating would make it too complex, quite a few people already said they just played it by placing blocks pretty much not considering the letters at all. Of course it was a jam game and some people don't really have the patience to play the games properly and just mess around with em for couple of minutes so that isn't something to really cater the game around though. But having a kind of block "hold" has been suggested and is pretty much exactly what you described too. I think that might be a very nice addition here. I guess I'll have to try these things out.

Thanks for playing and the feedback! ❤️

Uh-oh. I didn't think I'd get on the leaderboards... and, uh, you can probably see why.

is there a way to rotate pieces?

No, for now at least.


nice game but i wish the game over sound effect didnt make me jump all the time


This is such a high quality game! Amazing work!

you could make a portuguese version? I am brazilian but I know a little of english

If I make a post jam verison, of course! I already have dictionary for it too from making other word games.

Well made game, i'll rate it in the jam section.

Wow, great game. The definitions of the words sometimes are too long and go outside the screen (web-version), but that's just a minor issue. Well done ^^

That's super polished! I loved your game.

Fun little word game.  It takes a bit of getting the hang of, regardless of how many games you play.  I enjoy it for its challenging difficulty and trying to put some strategy into it.

Hiii, I've made a video about the game and wanted to share some feedback about it :D, hopefully it helps :)

-The idea/main concept of the game is very very awesome and original.

-The gameplay mechanics are simple but very good and fun, I especially liked the fact that the game explains the meaning of the words you make.

-Visually the game is really well done.

-I like the fact of having that ranking as it encourages the player to keep playing to improve and get higher on it.

Hopefully this is useful to you :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)



The 'Game Over' sound startles me every single time o-o; Nice game!

wow 3rd place

some times i don't what to end. It have to be a memory problem because on pc i didn't have this problem.
BTW it is still cool game

geting 'fin' make you not get 'inn' sometimes game forget to get words. I was so suprise when i put a block and it find word and not use any letter from new block

That’s very weird. Probably some timing issue, glad that it seems to be very rare at least.

like 15% of games. It broke my heart when i had 1050 and i play like 3  block with game over sign. I'm curious my self why this happen, I saw that you put a source code on github(appreciate that), in free time I will try to find it my self. It will be good to practice unity.

Oh it’s so frequent to you. 🤔 Even weirder since it doesn’t seem like it’s happening to others.

Its happening to me tho........a lot.

Dang! Web version I’m guessing? What browser?

Top 50 babyyyy. Great game!

U N B E L I E V A B L E!!!! THE IMPoSSIBLE IS POSSIBLE!!! How did you do this in 3 days!!!!! love the game! best ive played on itch... ever!!! THE GRAPHICS ARE JUST INSANE!!!!

Haha thanks! ❤️ Not my first rodeo. But yeah, wish I did have the 3rd day, sadly had to work. Dunno what I would have done differently or added if I did though. 🤔 Maybe different languages and probably would have dared to try block rotations. Well, at least more polish!

hah xD that makes it even more insane! only 2 days?? i wonder... haha! u did better than many, and definetly one of the best ive seen! my game cant compare lol since its also only my 3rd month of gamedev xD. best of luck!

Yup, that’s the thing, I’m pushing towards 30 years of experience making games. Even though there has been some years between there with practically no games.

this is a very creative game it is really polished but the leaderboard wsa buggy and the game crashed at some point. it's a really good game for a game jam though.

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, this game is really entertaining!

But there are some things I consider rather strange:

  • At least two letters are removed, but it finds two-letter words. So the game removes MMM because mm is the abbreviation for millimeters.
  • Abbreviations of some organization names are recognized, but not even common names (like Tim).
    It recognizes OR as an abbreviation for Oregon, but not USA. That's strange!
  • Sometimes, whole words are generated as parts of the tetromino; e. g. you get AACE and the ACE part is removed immediately.

Also, I would like more freedom and strategic choices. Rotating the tetromino would be nice or some way to sometimes regroup some letters.

Thanks! ❤️

Yeah the two letter words shouldn’t count. There is some discrepancies between by dictionary file and the API I use to get the definitions. So no clue on what the MMM in the dictionary is referring to but for some reason the definition when querying with it returns millimeters.

Names missing is just a dictionary thing. I’d gladly add the names to the dictionary if I can find a decent list. Shouldn’t be too hard.

Yup, tetromino rotating would be cool I think. Sure it would also increase the complexity when placing the blocks and finding words but would also help the end game not be so luck based. I was of course thinking about it since it’s the classic tetris way but was kinda afraid of the added complexity. Quite a few people have already mentioned the lack of it so I’m quite sure it’s something I’ll at least toy around with after the jam rating period is done. Maybe could be its own ”game mode” with separate leaderboards or something. Would be easy enough to ensure that blocks do not contain any ready words too.

Thanks again for playing and the feedback!

very fun

Sadly crashes Waterfox Classic.

Oh thanks for the heads up! Didn’t even know such thing existed. 😅 Will investigate after work if I can fix it.

As of version 2021.2 it's working. No crash.

Great game !!