So it basically means that it will be placed randomly in the middle of other relics. Even in the today's daily it is placed between the other two modifiers thus disabling them both.
The instant death in that scenario is intended (kinda). If you play a tile and can't walk to it (no matter why really, if it's blocked on otherwise unreachable) the level ending will trigger and in case of boss levels, they'll do the stop and hurt you for each unfilled square.
But the heretic being off the tile is something I have no clue about (and shouldn't happen either). I guess it was on that other tile but somehow decided to move even though the boss destroyed the tile it was going to move to...
Time to take a break from this game. Can be addictive :)
I thought to make a video to report some bugs, ended up recording my record run. It is 69 minutes long and doesn't start from the beginning. Let me know if you want to see it
This is a screencast that doesn't record audio or the mouse position. It is unedited, real time of me pausing and thinking, so it might appear a bit slow.
(The boss battle starting at 7:05 was epic. I actually completely forgot about my Fibonacci blink and almost died)
Ohh right, you had that relic that makes heretics skip turns and that's why he wasn't moving and towards you where that wildcarded fibo tile would have then smited him. I wondered that what was going on there.
Looks like for the whole fight that was you biggest hurdle all the time really always screwing up with the "placed traps" but blink with all those different wildcards really carried hard!
But you actually got a good use out of that skill on the normal levels afterwards. I think I've kinda overlooked the usefulness of it a bit myself. I guess I should indicate that amounts of stun on the enemies themselves somewhere so you'd be more easily able to know whether they'll move or not. Would make the skill more usable and make planning around it easier.
Today's blessing from daily - Crystal Cascade caries over to normal runs. Not sure if the curse as well, because it is harder to check.
I mean, I played the Daily, then started a normal run and the Crystal Cascade effect works even though I don't have this blessing. Starting new run and restarting the game doesn't fix that.
I'm not sure if it happens to all runs, or only these played after doing a Daily.
1) Maybe not all curses should be in the daily pool? (Halted lineage). I guess if I made it far enough, I would have a relic to pass on, so maybe it does have a place there
2) On the third level I got a bottled mana potion that should give 1000 points. Drinking it gave me 3000 points. Maybe include in the description the current multiplier "1000 x3" that changes with the level number, or don't multiply it if that was not intended.
True, you can not leave legacies in dailies anyway. So basically yes it doesn't do anything there. Same thing kinda when you have a daily mod and excommunication which then immediately disables the mod.
Using the multi is intended for it. Almost all score additions are multiplied that way. You can actually even use that pot in the middle of movement to have even bigger multiplier.
I thought that I was being super smart when I placed all my tiles on the boss fight before opening the first chest. Instead got insta-killed by the boss (first boss, 1 hit 5 hp). Not sure what is the rule that defines how much damage you take.
Question: Do everybody have the same rng seed in the daily or is it only the starting relics?
Everyone will get the exact same RNG. So all chests for example will have the same options (unless they've branched off and can no longer get some relic etc) and so on.
Yea that is the "strat" for bosses as far as I know too. So farm points until you run out of options and have to grab the chest or cross. The boss damages you for every unfilled square on the board if you can't place anything anymore. So you should have opened the chest on your last tile. Then the boss would not damage you and would reshuffle all tiles back to your deck.
After using Rejuvenating Toxicant, it seems to be able to draw cards indefinitely by stepping on purple tiles (Penance), even when the deck is exhausted.
When Gemstorm Tonic is used in boss fight, the temporary effect extends to next level. It returns normal 2 levels after the boss. I'm not sure if this is intended effect or not. I only used the portion once on boss, so not sure if it's the same for normal levels.
1. Penance actually puts a card from your hand back to deck before drawing so if you have no deck you will put one card back there and then immediately draw it back to your hand. I can't find any issue with how it works now. Got any more details if you got it to somehow generate endless cards?
2. Yes the gem generation (or actually reverting them back) had some issues (on other levels too). They sometimes indeed were semi-permanent even though they shouldn't. Fixed already for the next patch.
On #1, the game was duplicating a card in my hand. I forgot the details, but it was either:
A card tries to go back to deck, but it stays on the player's hand.
A card goes back to deck, and the player draws 2 of the same cards.
If I stepped on multiple Penance at one move, my hand grew larger. I remember that I had like 3 cards in my hand at one point, but had 7 to 8 cards after a move. I had like 5 Magna Carta at that point. I also had Wildcard on Penance (red <-> purple and orange <-> purple).
Just to make sure, this started happening after using Rejuvenating Toxicant.
Why the heck is my run not logging???? I had 150 P and it does not show up, whyyy??. I pressed Back to menu and is just does not show up?? WHY??
Is the leaderboard just updating slowly or is something very wrong here???
I just realized how wacky this sounds since i have no proof bruh. Is there anyway to for you (Anttihaavikko) to like check played runs or something or is it just lost?? (have no screen shots)
Edit: Ok i have collected my self and this definetly has to be patchted. Tmrw i will make a different account on my phone istead and try replicate it (new device so i can do it with lower score). The only thing i did different from normal is hitting "back to menu" instead of "try again". Will try that tmrw
I only see one score (117) from you yesterday on there. I have no other loggings or anything extra, just the scores that are submitted.
I wonder if it could be actually possible that my backend can't handle so big numbers and failed to save because of that. I'll investigate after work and see if that could be the case. I guess if it is, it's proof enough.
And doesn't matter which button you hit on the end, the score should be saved at that point already.
Doesn't look like that's the case. I have no idea why your score wouldn't have been saved...
Also after playing today's daily I'm starting to see that contrite might actually be a bit too good. It completely prevents you ending up with curses in the late game and gives you loads of points on top of that. Might need to limit it to maybe once per level or something... 🤔
Wait the record was beaten again? That does not show up on my device? Or was it just a test? (i suppose Antti is you)
If you nerf Contrite this way then you should prob also look into nerfing the banker. I just gave him roughly 0.5T after the third boss and then it is just a boring waiting game. 2-3 boss fights later and baam over 9000 T. (which i then 16x with two DD for the 150 P). This makes the game very boring and non-interactive the second you get a good chunk of money into the banker. Also the new relic that kills heretics when you open a chest is waaaayy to op in my opinion
Nah it was me just testing and I deleted it afterwards.
True, might need to do some tweaking to banker too. I wanted to make him a bit of a gamble like "can you still make it far enough to meet him again". And I guess the purple key too. 🤔 But yeah, contrite is the reason you can dodge all curses (or any other unwanted relics) completely and therefore avoid a big chunk of the "endgame" difficulty on actually making runs end.
I see that you are really into the game and like helping out with bugs and what not. Maybe you could start recording your runs ... or even streaming them. It would definitely help with bug reporting if you have a video
Rn in the game there is kinda to types of powerups. The ones which stack (health, pillage, etc) and the ones you only get one of (contrite, smite, blink). Annoyingly home tiles dont fall in either. You can have multiple of them but they dont stack. Niether is having two or more useful in any way. Can this be changed such that you only get one of them like you do with smite and contrite. (same goes for the same type of wildcards).
Not sure if I am just bad at it or is it too much luck based. In the sense that I often have runs that I know are going nowhere, but if I am lucky with the draw I might get an insane score. It is a bit frustrating to fill my deck with tiles with limited directions and not being able to do much about it. There are the destruction potions, but maybe there could be more options to customize the deck?
Some suggestions for quality of life improvement:
Viewable deck — clicking on the pile should show what tiles I already have accumulated. This would help when choosing new rewards and should be available from lvl 1 (not an upgrade). Some deckbuilder games even show the order in which the cards will be drawn, maybe that could be a relic?
Informative tooltips about the colors — this doesn't tell me what yellow and cyan do. The only information that I get is that you call the cyan color "blue" :) If I still need to memorize their functions, there is no need of a tooltip.
Make blank cards placeable (?)— not sure if not a bug, but during a boss fight I had (1) a khan gem place some blank tiles; (2) end without any playable options; (3) all tiles were collected, and a new hand was drawn; (4) I drew some blank tiles that couldn't be placed anywhere. Expected behavior: a) either don't add them to the deck or b) allow the player to place them next to tiles that don't point in that direction. (if there is a tile that points towards a direction, you shouldn't be allowed to place a blank tile there, because it would break the continuity of the line)
Idk about you but after playing the game for a bit one will prob learn what the colors do, after all there are only 5. I do agree that the Wildcard description could be improved. When i first started playing it was confusing and i thought it switched up the powers of the tiles (instead of making both do both). Idk what to write instead but i am sure Anttihaavikko could come up with something.
And yes the game is fairly luckbased but a good overal understandig of macro and microstrategies is still required i feel like. (as someone who tryhards the game i always reset for a good start lol)
I played the initial release and learned the meaning of the colors. Now when I play again I couldn't recall what those colors/keywords mean and the tooltip was not helping.
Viewable deck, yes, it's a good idea. I actually did even think about it for the initial release but hit the 13k size limit fairly quickly and couldn't really squeeze it in in favour of some actual content. But yes, now I can (kinda forgot about it and grew accustomed to playing without it myself) and will add it in for the next patch! And seeing them in a correct order might indeed be nice as a relic (I've done this too on some past deckbuilder games of mine).
True, wildcard description is pretty vague. Will find a way to improve these too.
Blanks are kinda intentionally "bad". To do have a purpose with shouldn't be used all willy nilly because they can block you off or do exactly what happened to you. Allowing to place them would have few problems. For one, they wouldn't follow the same rules as other tiles. All other tiles can block paths but must be placed so that they connect and therefore the character will also find a path and move there. Not adding them to deck could work but again, it would be a special behaviour conflicting with how everything else works.
Regarding the blanks in your hand - my impression is that they are too punishing right now. I already suffered damage from the boss and now my deck has extra "ballast" - I have no options how to overcome this challenge - it is the type of frustration that doesn't make the game more enjoyable.
If you copy the rule "paths can only connect to paths" and it becomes "blank cards can only connect to the blank edge of other cards", it would be more consistent overall. It will allow playing all cards in your hand instead of having some cards that are stuck in your hand forever
Playing some more, I can see how blanks are the tile version of curses. I realize now that the sacrificial spots can be used to clear blanks if needed.
A few other topics:
Potential bug: I had the relic to kill heretics that step on red gems. A heretic spawned directly on a red gem, but did not die. Is it intentional not to count that as a step? I also had the relic for opening chests from a distance - maybe related.
Suggestion: If there are more than one picks to be taken, show that in the UI. With changing relics and multiple chests being open, it can be difficult to keep track of that.
Yeah, blanks can indeed be powerful at filling some nooks on the board but also meant to be dangerous and annoying when they and up in your hand or deck or if used haphazardly.
It is intentional that smite doesn't trigger when heretic spawns on a PB tile. If it did, I think it would be maybe too easy to use and very much on the too good spectrum on power. Now you need to do a bit of planning to actually use that properly.
It actually is already shown on UI. It says "pick your rewards" if you've got multiple and after picking the first, it'll say "pick x more" etc.
Yes "have both effetcs" sounds good. Perhaps "Tiles with P and D" do both their own and the others ability" or something along the lines of that. Might be a bit lengthy tho?
I am mainly concerned that the effects are not written.
The color of the text "Penance" and "Dynasty" matches the color of the gem, so I don't think that the text "____ is the ____ gem on a tile" adds any information to the player.
Well yeah, if you look at the picture I posted above earlier, that's pretty much the same as your suggestion 😉👍
Also, telling that they're specific color gems is I guess necessary too. One player said that they were confused about those earlier on. Cause you can encounter relics that refer to them before actually ever seeing any gems at all.
Here i am and the glitch is still not patched. This time it was a brute and not a heretic. 54 T might be a new highscore but i am sitting with another 2000 TRILLIONS in a bank which i can not acces!!!!! Like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH"
Ah crap so that thing is indeed still happening somehow. Gotta investigate some more. Yea I made fourth boss and onwards spawn brutes instead of normal heretics.
I guess you've tried continuing to just move past it again? You don't need to end on the spot to grab it, just passing it too should get it. And since the heretics don't always mess it up, worth a try to try again.
Have tried walking back and fourth. There is no fix. 2000 Trillions are gone :(
My what i remember it seems like the glitch happends whenever you pick up the cross at the same time a brute/heretic steps on PB and gets smited. Could be something
More info on how it happens please. Was it the first hit (not counting when opening the chest of course) or can happen at any point? Did you kill the heretic the same turn you move there or earlier? Did you happen to have sounds on, does it play the cross grab sound? How did you kill the heretic (and where on the map was it) Looks like you had blink too, any blinks or potion usage?
Might need to disable boss heretic spawns completely for now unless I find a solution to this.
edit: Also, do you remember if there was a gem on that cross spot tile?
For this case: This was prob around the 5-6 cross so it can happen whenever. The brute did indeed die on a PB at the same time as i picked up the cross. Infact we both had the exact same amount of tiles to walk for our destination (1 tile, i like to set it up this way since it lets you keep the PB tile, my guess is that this is because the boss wont remove the tile since it think there is a heretic on it). No sounds, i play with it of but will turn in on to get information. The heretic died via smite and as far as i can recall no warping through him was taking place. There was prob a gem on the tile since my deck mostly consisted of those. I did not activate any potions.
I think generally most of these things can be said about the bug. it has happend 3-4 times i think. Most of the times PB was involed i think. Generally i have also found some other inconsistencies regarding heretics and brutes. Sometimes they wont move if the board is cleared during the same brickplacement etc. This last paragraph might not be fully accurate since it happend a while ago.
Turning of heretics might indeed be a good idea. It will only affect better players since this only matters after 3rd boss and beyond so the impact is not to huge perhaps. If you need help testing (and if there is a way to organise that) i will gladly help. I love knowing all of the little interesting intricacies of this game.
Side question. After consuming 4-5 Chaos six packs (trying to get another DD potion) they stopped appearing in chests yet vednors still sold them. Is there a cap here as well or just RNG?
Also i would love if you changed is so that the game starts writes say 1.3 T instead of 1300 G. It makes is feel so much nicer hitting that new barrier and seeing that new letter lol (for me this is since i wanna see the Quadrillion symbol as fast as possible lol,)
Edit: If you are going to remove heretic spawns in bosses, please do as fast as possible. Wanna get back to grinding for 1 Quad as fast as possible lol :D
Actually, chaos six pack respects the "only one DD pot per game" rule and so does Pontiff. When I said you could gamble for them, I meant the chaos brew potion which has a completely random potion effect. But of course very risky as it can instantly kill you or fully wipe your score.
I don't like the look of decimal values so that's why I only hop to next suffix after 10. And of course there is the whole point versus comma thing too (I think you guys use comma too right).
I will push an update tomorrow no matter what. If I can't solve this, I'll disable the boss heretic spawns.
I think I may have the solution even though I haven't been able to reproduce this anymore after the first round of fixes. I think it's somehow caused by timing issues and/or ordering of things when heretics move at the same time the cross is grabbed. But the heretics shouldn't even be allowed to move at that point since you move first, grab the cross, boss does it's thing as it's getting hurt and then when it would be the heretic's turn to move, there actually are no more tiles to move to. So I think making them just not even try to take their turn on that scenario would fix this issue.
Will prob finish this run tmrw. 5 T combined with 2 divine dilution? This will be atleast 80 T lol (also have 4 chaos brews for the of chance of another DD potion lol)
I apologize for the terrible quality of the provided footage. (Since wouldn't accept files larger than 3 MB I had to edit this down to only include me opening chests. In addition to this, the resolution had to be set to 192x108 accompanied by the low color count of 64)
Anyways.. As you can see I received the same options every time I opened a chest. The same three tiles kept appearing over and over, preventing me from collecting any relics or accessories. This continued for each level/round until I died. Fortunately, this has only happened to me once. I have never been able to replicate this bug. Not sure what could've caused this, but it sure is a weird bug don't you think?
Edit note: Perhaps I should mention that entering and exiting full-screen did change the selection of tiles. LMS, do you remember what my first alternatives were? I want to say they included a four-way indulgence tile, no?
Oopsie, looks like I goofed up a bit on my maths and there was a low chance of ending up with a run where all the chests will end up getting the same seed value for their content generation. Good find, thanks!
When you get new scarfs and hats, does it show if you have them already or not in some way? If not it think i should be added? (And yes it is indeed interesting to find these tiny differeces across devices:))
Another thing is about the potions that ad pathways to tiles on hand and on board. These seem to be temporary by my experiments which in that case should be clarified in the potion description (it is currently not)
On a highscore run rn and the vednors does indeed allow for the purchase of a second doubleing of your score. Unless i am stupid this should be a new highscore with a big margin
Nope, hats/scarfs you already have are not marked in any way and you and get same again. I guess for hats it could be shown if you've already got it but not really possible for scarfs as their lengths for example are random floating point values ie. never going to be the same.
Yea I guess I should point out on the descriptions that those are temporary. The gem addition ones do say if they're permanent or temporary but didn't even think about mentioning for paths as they're all temporary.
I liked this game. But what in the world was this orange pawn that appeared? Was it a enemy? It just appeared suddenly, and I saw it moved once I moved, I'll presume it was going after me something.
Well, when it appeared on my way, when I put another tile, the lighting strike, and I lost. So I have no idea what that circle-eye orange pawn does. Do you know what that thing was? Probably, I lost cause this pawn counted as a obstacle or something, so I couldn't pass through.
Yeah, I call them pawns cause they look like chess pawns.
Yes that would be your first encounter with the enemy, a heretic! They indeed block your path and unless you can reach the tile you place, you'll be punished for every uncovered square left on the map. And they are indeed just lowly pawns but the more valued pieces are also lurking out there.
Uhhh i hate to bring the bad news but this is still a ting unfortuantly. This time i can give some more precise information on what went down. There is a thing were if you pick up a cross at the same time a heretic steps on a PB ad gets smited the PB tile is kept during the "hey am a big bad boi boss so am gonna clear all ur placed tiles" thing. This is precisely what happend here. exept i did not get the cross. Fortunatly it seems you are on the right track since it seems it is connected to heretics.
Side note: I saw youre response regarding the double score potion. I agree that is is balanced to be a one time thing. With brew mastery (i think thats what is what its called) and 5 extra slots you could theoreticly get 4^8= 65536 times your score in like 3 seconds. That would be kinda broken. Spamming chaos brew in late game to get these potions is prob the best strat rn
Hmm, are you sure you played the updated version? I guess it's impossible to say for sure unless you happened to notice the version number on the start menu. Because I for sure fixed one source for this cross get failure happening and can't spot why otherwise it would happen and can't make it happen myself anymore.
Yes it is indeed Smite. It might be about playing on cromebook. The Contrite icon (kinda funny, have never even seen my favorite power up lol) is always missing as well. The other things only show up when claming a lot of hats and scarfs
Question: Can you recive the same scarf and had twice from chest or do they not re appear when you already have them?
Huh, that's weird. I've seen some very slight differences in other people screenshots (and I guess that is due to different machines having different fonts) but weird how it's like completely different and other one is even missing...
And yes, you can get hat and scarf dupes. They're always completely random with random properties such as colors and scarf length etc. Unless of course playing daily where the same item is the same for everyone.
First of all. Contrite icon i a cool guy with glasses. Thats all i need to know.
Second. Yes it might be about fonts. My Indian friend mensioned that the symbols used here belong to a town near where he was born so thats kinda cool.
Edit: Now that i think about is its definetly about different fonts on different devices. My friend Dalex (hes also here somewere in the discussion feed) has mentioned how Smite is different on Pc
Correct! All icons are actually different.. As you know, LMS, contrite's icon is missing on Chromebook devices. Additionally; the icons for a majority of the red relics are much smaller on Android devices. The circles that are a part of the green relics are also way larger on those devices.
But yeah, that's just how the fonts are made. It's quite fun however to discover these differences across different devices! What do you think? :)
Another lil glitch i found (its not very urgent so dont stress it, take ur time :D) is when you interact with a chest and a vendor at the same time. Sometimes (but only someyimes wierdly) you will enter the chest first and then not get to enter the vendor. Its odd to me how it only happends sometimes. Once again this is not to urgent so take ur time if u need a break from all the glitch patching lol. (no screenshot since this would be difficult to capture)
Haha, all good. I enjoy bug hunting and had a day off work today too so had plenty of spare time. But yeah, this is indeed quite weird but at least not hugely game breaking so I’ll leave it for tomorrow.
Yea the vendor is marked as "used" when the menu pops up so makes sense that going for it again will then trigger it properly. Do you have any details on when it happened? Could it have been a reward skip?
Any more clues on what could have happened here? Like any common things when it happened? Does it happen early on or later or just when ever? I found out that skipping a reward pick (with contrite) at leat made the vendor not trigger afterwards.
Ah yes that is probably whats happening. It would explain the inconsistencies and as far as i can remember i think (very loose think) that is had only ever happened when i have had contrite and have skipped a reward. The "Cool guy with glasses" relic is probably the culprit.
This is very annoying and it has happened twice. I have tried getting the cross multiple times but it does not work. This completely kills the run and it was prob gonna be a new highscore :(
Yes precisely. For some more information it is not like is spawned say on a tile where the heretic stands (has happened before but it is not to bad). It just spawned normaly and when i went to pick it up nothing happend.
And as a side note. Going through this run in one sitting i realized that the time spent is more around 2-3 hours for a highscore run. Multiple sittings threw me of lol
Well this was a tricky one. But managed to repro and fix! Basically as the player and heretics are running the same pathfinding etc, the heretics were also running the cross fetching checks and sometimes overriding the fact that player got it. So I think theoretically they could have also activated the cross.
And thanks to trying to find this, found and fixed another unrelated bug with the heretics on boss level. Thanks again! ❤️
Also i have a question regarding the potion that doubles your score. During all my runs i have only ever had it once per round. Is that a thing or am i just stupidly unlucky lol
It does work on mobile (browser) too though it isn't hugely optimized for it (mainly due to the screen aspect ratio). But should be completely playable. Maybe that's the next thing I should tackle and make it make better use of full mobile screen aspect ratio.
Yup! Originally the heretics didn't have that "face". It was added a few patches ago and I think the addition of scarves broke it. Just pushed a patch with these both fixed. Any idea how that losing with 1 life left happened. Did something heal you after going to zero or what?
I was counting the tiles, so I'm sure I was supposed to survive. 5HP and 4 tiles destroyed so I should be left with that 1HP. No idea what triggered that.
Fixed this now (at least I think so). Don't think it was just an issue with the most recent patch but has always been there with the bosses. But of course this scenario not very likely to happen that often. Also made the (boss) levels not allow to overlap with the hand so much.
As a side note, congrats on the number one spot on the leaderboards. 🎉 Awesome score! How long did the run take? As you've probably played it quite a bit, do you have any things you'd like to see added/improved etc?
Thanks! I am not sure of how long the run took as i played it over multiple days but my guess would be probably around 4-5 hours. Of the top of my head i have an idea about the vendors. The vendor who sells mixed tiles is (i feel like) a litte bit uneccessary since wildcards achieve the same effect but way better. It would cool if he sold unique tiles with special powers that can only be aquired from him. Will probably think more about new ideas during the day. Otherwise i think ur doing a great job developing the game and making it more intresting as well as being good at fixing these bugs fast. (playing bigger games you sometimes have to wait weeks for a little patch note). :D
Edit: Have tought a bit more about what special powers these bricks could have. Perhaps they could be stronger versions of the original tiles like a popes blessing healing for more than one or a dynasty 3x your step score (these would still be affected about relics like wildcard or home.
Another idea is a tile that kills of heretics. Whilst we already have this as popes blessing+smite i think this could be nice as a way of making runs less smite (and blink) dependent.
My last idea is kinda wacky but could be cool. Maybe the tile selling vendor could also sell land. This would be something that you could place down to make the map a bit larger. It would be cool and allow for some dynamic gameplay.
As i am not a game developer myself i have no idea how complicated these things would be to implement but they could be cool :)
Second edit (lol): saw your reply. Yes saving runs could be quite nice. When i was on my highscore run i was hella nervous about my battery running out (playing on cromebook). That would make the tabs refresh and the run would be lost
Dang, that's pretty long. Quite a bit longer than I intended for the runs to last. But hey I guess you gotta work for that number one spot. 😜 Wonder if I should add saving if runs can last that long... 🤔
Yea the double gemmed cards of Fibonacci are indeed quite similar and worse than wildcard. But it's still another source of getting them. Having a vendor with completely unique tiles would be cool though. And I do have some ideas about such already brewing.
And yeah, I guess that's a benefit of working completely solo on a game. I can fix stuff quick and just push the changes out to to world straight away without needing some approvals or any red tape.
Yes, that's a visual glitch that has been there pretty much since the beginning. I suspect that there are some conflicting animations and that's why the character ends up in a wrong spot. It is just visual though and actually it is standing on the starter tile and everything should work just fine and next move you make will fix the situation back to normal.
Hmm, gotta investigate the starting tile having gem effects a bit more thoroughly.... 🤔
Oh I think I misread that last point as a single and not to different instances. The starting tile can be gemmed with some effect and it will remain there for other levels too. And I think the no starting tile at all must have been that all tiles were returned to your hand (with a potion or boss) and then some effect permanently removed that tile from your deck. I probably shouldn't allow that tile to be permanently removed :D
That makes sense! I appreciate you taking the time to fix all these small bugs. This is an awesome game and it allways fills me with joy when a new update is released! Keep up the good work! :)
A pretty big problem. In the latest path note you made is such that if the boss breaks a tile you cant walk there. Since there are some one wide pathways in the bossbattles this sometimes causes the boss to cut the field in half. If the cross is on the other side there is nothing you can do. (Thx for an epic game doe
Hmm, the boss shouldn't break a tile that makes any tile unreachable. Just like the sacrifice spots should work like now. I guess that was multiple breaks? Will try to replicate and fix after work today 👍
Small playability issue: I keep ending up with my cards covering the bottom of the field. (Maybe particularly on boss levels?) A zoom in/out would be helpful there.
Larger issue: more than once, I've run out of plays and had the game not recognize this fact.
Yeah, I guess I forgot to take the boss into account for the level size restrictions. Usually it tries to cap it so that everything fits without overlapping with the hand. The boss basically adds a new tile on top (when it's there at the top) and thus the actual height should be one less. Adding to my to fix list.
And for the bigger issue. Hmm. Must be still something wrong with the tiles that boss breaks. Will investigate...
small bug? report : after using Jewel Infusion (adding a random permanent gem) to the starting tile, it stays not only for the next levels but also for the next replays. not sure if it supposed to be that "permanent" :)
Thanks! Yeah it's not supposed all that permanent. To be honest, didn't even think about how it should/would work with the starting tile. I'll fix it in the upcoming patch (that I'm already working on). Here is a super secret sneak peek gif, no one else can see this right 😜
I played this before the really cool updates, but I still got to experience how awesome this game is! It was a really fun lil experience, hope to see more from you :D
Nope! It was actually on here before the update- I just happened to download it around that time, I think. The file's gone now, sadly. I cleaned out my computer and got rid of it, not thinking much of it.
I think this may be a bug? I'm in a boss fight and had to built myself into this position due to bad tiles at the time. I think the boss is meant to realise I have no path available and hurt me (plus reset the tiles)?
Yeah, seems so. See you got SIN, did it already trigger there or earlier on that level? And I guess it's the second encounter with the boss, did it already break some tiles?
a small bug I've found if you use the khan to to make blank tiles with the open chests with blank tiles as you die to a heretic, you can start off your game with more tiles than you'd usually have
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Today's daily has a curse "Excommunication - ... - This curse can be placed anywhere"
What does that mean?
Also - me making the most of an unlucky boss fight:
So it basically means that it will be placed randomly in the middle of other relics. Even in the today's daily it is placed between the other two modifiers thus disabling them both.
I've got a heretic placed in empty spot:
Placing a tile (orange) under him resulted in instant death.
The instant death in that scenario is intended (kinda). If you play a tile and can't walk to it (no matter why really, if it's blocked on otherwise unreachable) the level ending will trigger and in case of boss levels, they'll do the stop and hurt you for each unfilled square.
But the heretic being off the tile is something I have no clue about (and shouldn't happen either). I guess it was on that other tile but somehow decided to move even though the boss destroyed the tile it was going to move to...
Time to take a break from this game. Can be addictive :)
I thought to make a video to report some bugs, ended up recording my record run. It is 69 minutes long and doesn't start from the beginning. Let me know if you want to see it
Haha, nice! Yea it'd be cool. Always a good to get some extra insight on how the players are actually playing the game...
This is a screencast that doesn't record audio or the mouse position. It is unedited, real time of me pausing and thinking, so it might appear a bit slow.
(The boss battle starting at 7:05 was epic. I actually completely forgot about my Fibonacci blink and almost died)
Ohh right, you had that relic that makes heretics skip turns and that's why he wasn't moving and towards you where that wildcarded fibo tile would have then smited him. I wondered that what was going on there.
Looks like for the whole fight that was you biggest hurdle all the time really always screwing up with the "placed traps" but blink with all those different wildcards really carried hard!
But you actually got a good use out of that skill on the normal levels afterwards. I think I've kinda overlooked the usefulness of it a bit myself. I guess I should indicate that amounts of stun on the enemies themselves somewhere so you'd be more easily able to know whether they'll move or not. Would make the skill more usable and make planning around it easier.
Today's blessing from daily - Crystal Cascade caries over to normal runs. Not sure if the curse as well, because it is harder to check.
I mean, I played the Daily, then started a normal run and the Crystal Cascade effect works even though I don't have this blessing. Starting new run and restarting the game doesn't fix that.
I'm not sure if it happens to all runs, or only these played after doing a Daily.
Thanks! Fixed now.
Daily run discussion:
1) Maybe not all curses should be in the daily pool? (Halted lineage). I guess if I made it far enough, I would have a relic to pass on, so maybe it does have a place there
2) On the third level I got a bottled mana potion that should give 1000 points. Drinking it gave me 3000 points. Maybe include in the description the current multiplier "1000 x3" that changes with the level number, or don't multiply it if that was not intended.
True, you can not leave legacies in dailies anyway. So basically yes it doesn't do anything there. Same thing kinda when you have a daily mod and excommunication which then immediately disables the mod.
Using the multi is intended for it. Almost all score additions are multiplied that way. You can actually even use that pot in the middle of movement to have even bigger multiplier.
Daily run discussion:
I thought that I was being super smart when I placed all my tiles on the boss fight before opening the first chest. Instead got insta-killed by the boss (first boss, 1 hit 5 hp). Not sure what is the rule that defines how much damage you take.
Question: Do everybody have the same rng seed in the daily or is it only the starting relics?
Everyone will get the exact same RNG. So all chests for example will have the same options (unless they've branched off and can no longer get some relic etc) and so on.
Yea that is the "strat" for bosses as far as I know too. So farm points until you run out of options and have to grab the chest or cross. The boss damages you for every unfilled square on the board if you can't place anything anymore. So you should have opened the chest on your last tile. Then the boss would not damage you and would reshuffle all tiles back to your deck.
2 possible bugs:
1. Penance actually puts a card from your hand back to deck before drawing so if you have no deck you will put one card back there and then immediately draw it back to your hand. I can't find any issue with how it works now. Got any more details if you got it to somehow generate endless cards?
2. Yes the gem generation (or actually reverting them back) had some issues (on other levels too). They sometimes indeed were semi-permanent even though they shouldn't. Fixed already for the next patch.
On #1, the game was duplicating a card in my hand. I forgot the details, but it was either:
If I stepped on multiple Penance at one move, my hand grew larger. I remember that I had like 3 cards in my hand at one point, but had 7 to 8 cards after a move. I had like 5 Magna Carta at that point. I also had Wildcard on Penance (red <-> purple and orange <-> purple).
Just to make sure, this started happening after using Rejuvenating Toxicant.
I'm sorry to report that our new vendor can't count... At first I thought that maybe he has it backwards and counts open chest, but that's not it:
So far I haven't been able to buy anything from him.
EDIT: Wait. Are the unopened chests from previous levels and not the current one?
Yes, exactly.
Why the heck is my run not logging???? I had 150 P and it does not show up, whyyy??. I pressed Back to menu and is just does not show up?? WHY??
Is the leaderboard just updating slowly or is something very wrong here???
I just realized how wacky this sounds since i have no proof bruh. Is there anyway to for you (Anttihaavikko) to like check played runs or something or is it just lost?? (have no screen shots)
Edit: Ok i have collected my self and this definetly has to be patchted. Tmrw i will make a different account on my phone istead and try replicate it (new device so i can do it with lower score). The only thing i did different from normal is hitting "back to menu" instead of "try again". Will try that tmrw
I once experienced similar issue on "Post jam update" version.
I only see one score (117) from you yesterday on there. I have no other loggings or anything extra, just the scores that are submitted.
I wonder if it could be actually possible that my backend can't handle so big numbers and failed to save because of that. I'll investigate after work and see if that could be the case. I guess if it is, it's proof enough.
And doesn't matter which button you hit on the end, the score should be saved at that point already.
Hm ok that could be a thing i guess
Doesn't look like that's the case. I have no idea why your score wouldn't have been saved...
Also after playing today's daily I'm starting to see that contrite might actually be a bit too good. It completely prevents you ending up with curses in the late game and gives you loads of points on top of that. Might need to limit it to maybe once per level or something... 🤔
Wait the record was beaten again? That does not show up on my device? Or was it just a test? (i suppose Antti is you)
If you nerf Contrite this way then you should prob also look into nerfing the banker. I just gave him roughly 0.5T after the third boss and then it is just a boring waiting game. 2-3 boss fights later and baam over 9000 T. (which i then 16x with two DD for the 150 P). This makes the game very boring and non-interactive the second you get a good chunk of money into the banker. Also the new relic that kills heretics when you open a chest is waaaayy to op in my opinion
Nah it was me just testing and I deleted it afterwards.
True, might need to do some tweaking to banker too. I wanted to make him a bit of a gamble like "can you still make it far enough to meet him again". And I guess the purple key too. 🤔 But yeah, contrite is the reason you can dodge all curses (or any other unwanted relics) completely and therefore avoid a big chunk of the "endgame" difficulty on actually making runs end.
I see that you are really into the game and like helping out with bugs and what not. Maybe you could start recording your runs ... or even streaming them. It would definitely help with bug reporting if you have a video
That is true however i play on my school cromebook so streaming and recording will prob get very laggy and difficult.
Finally a worthy opponent, our battle shall be legendary....
Also why are there two pk accounts???
I guess they've used different computer/browser, incognito or something like that.
Prob i guess
Ah, sorry if it's a bad thing to do here. I used incognito mode.
Also, many thanks for the fun game.
Rn in the game there is kinda to types of powerups. The ones which stack (health, pillage, etc) and the ones you only get one of (contrite, smite, blink). Annoyingly home tiles dont fall in either. You can have multiple of them but they dont stack. Niether is having two or more useful in any way. Can this be changed such that you only get one of them like you do with smite and contrite. (same goes for the same type of wildcards).
Yeah I guess I should ignore exact dupes for those as well. Still allowing a dupe with different colors of course though.
Great game as always!
Not sure if I am just bad at it or is it too much luck based. In the sense that I often have runs that I know are going nowhere, but if I am lucky with the draw I might get an insane score. It is a bit frustrating to fill my deck with tiles with limited directions and not being able to do much about it. There are the destruction potions, but maybe there could be more options to customize the deck?
Some suggestions for quality of life improvement:
Viewable deck — clicking on the pile should show what tiles I already have accumulated. This would help when choosing new rewards and should be available from lvl 1 (not an upgrade). Some deckbuilder games even show the order in which the cards will be drawn, maybe that could be a relic?
Informative tooltips about the colors — this doesn't tell me what yellow and cyan do. The only information that I get is that you call the cyan color "blue" :) If I still need to memorize their functions, there is no need of a tooltip.
Make blank cards placeable (?)— not sure if not a bug, but during a boss fight I had (1) a khan gem place some blank tiles; (2) end without any playable options; (3) all tiles were collected, and a new hand was drawn; (4) I drew some blank tiles that couldn't be placed anywhere. Expected behavior: a) either don't add them to the deck or b) allow the player to place them next to tiles that don't point in that direction. (if there is a tile that points towards a direction, you shouldn't be allowed to place a blank tile there, because it would break the continuity of the line)
Idk about you but after playing the game for a bit one will prob learn what the colors do, after all there are only 5. I do agree that the Wildcard description could be improved. When i first started playing it was confusing and i thought it switched up the powers of the tiles (instead of making both do both). Idk what to write instead but i am sure Anttihaavikko could come up with something.
And yes the game is fairly luckbased but a good overal understandig of macro and microstrategies is still required i feel like. (as someone who tryhards the game i always reset for a good start lol)
I played the initial release and learned the meaning of the colors. Now when I play again I couldn't recall what those colors/keywords mean and the tooltip was not helping.
Viewable deck, yes, it's a good idea. I actually did even think about it for the initial release but hit the 13k size limit fairly quickly and couldn't really squeeze it in in favour of some actual content. But yes, now I can (kinda forgot about it and grew accustomed to playing without it myself) and will add it in for the next patch! And seeing them in a correct order might indeed be nice as a relic (I've done this too on some past deckbuilder games of mine).
True, wildcard description is pretty vague. Will find a way to improve these too.
Blanks are kinda intentionally "bad". To do have a purpose with shouldn't be used all willy nilly because they can block you off or do exactly what happened to you. Allowing to place them would have few problems. For one, they wouldn't follow the same rules as other tiles. All other tiles can block paths but must be placed so that they connect and therefore the character will also find a path and move there. Not adding them to deck could work but again, it would be a special behaviour conflicting with how everything else works.
Regarding the blanks in your hand - my impression is that they are too punishing right now. I already suffered damage from the boss and now my deck has extra "ballast" - I have no options how to overcome this challenge - it is the type of frustration that doesn't make the game more enjoyable.
If you copy the rule "paths can only connect to paths" and it becomes "blank cards can only connect to the blank edge of other cards", it would be more consistent overall. It will allow playing all cards in your hand instead of having some cards that are stuck in your hand forever
Playing some more, I can see how blanks are the tile version of curses. I realize now that the sacrificial spots can be used to clear blanks if needed.
A few other topics:
Potential bug: I had the relic to kill heretics that step on red gems. A heretic spawned directly on a red gem, but did not die. Is it intentional not to count that as a step? I also had the relic for opening chests from a distance - maybe related.
Suggestion: If there are more than one picks to be taken, show that in the UI. With changing relics and multiple chests being open, it can be difficult to keep track of that.
Yeah, blanks can indeed be powerful at filling some nooks on the board but also meant to be dangerous and annoying when they and up in your hand or deck or if used haphazardly.
It is intentional that smite doesn't trigger when heretic spawns on a PB tile. If it did, I think it would be maybe too easy to use and very much on the too good spectrum on power. Now you need to do a bit of planning to actually use that properly.
It actually is already shown on UI. It says "pick your rewards" if you've got multiple and after picking the first, it'll say "pick x more" etc.
Or maybe "have both effects" 🤔
Yes "have both effetcs" sounds good. Perhaps "Tiles with P and D" do both their own and the others ability" or something along the lines of that. Might be a bit lengthy tho?
I am mainly concerned that the effects are not written.
The color of the text "Penance" and "Dynasty" matches the color of the gem, so I don't think that the text "____ is the ____ gem on a tile" adds any information to the player.
Here is a mockup I made in photopea
Well yeah, if you look at the picture I posted above earlier, that's pretty much the same as your suggestion 😉👍
Also, telling that they're specific color gems is I guess necessary too. One player said that they were confused about those earlier on. Cause you can encounter relics that refer to them before actually ever seeing any gems at all.
Hey, I see that you added this for wildcard. Could you also do it for the other relics as well?
It's nothing game braking but I don't think the blank tiles should go there. I think they appeared in the spots destroyed by the Boss.
Thanks! True, they shouldn't. Looks like some similar effects had the same issue. Fixed for the next patch coming out later today.
Here i am and the glitch is still not patched. This time it was a brute and not a heretic. 54 T might be a new highscore but i am sitting with another 2000 TRILLIONS in a bank which i can not acces!!!!! Like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH"
Ah crap so that thing is indeed still happening somehow. Gotta investigate some more. Yea I made fourth boss and onwards spawn brutes instead of normal heretics.
I guess you've tried continuing to just move past it again? You don't need to end on the spot to grab it, just passing it too should get it. And since the heretics don't always mess it up, worth a try to try again.
Have tried walking back and fourth. There is no fix. 2000 Trillions are gone :(
My what i remember it seems like the glitch happends whenever you pick up the cross at the same time a brute/heretic steps on PB and gets smited. Could be something
Sad, sorry bout that! 😭
More info on how it happens please. Was it the first hit (not counting when opening the chest of course) or can happen at any point? Did you kill the heretic the same turn you move there or earlier? Did you happen to have sounds on, does it play the cross grab sound? How did you kill the heretic (and where on the map was it) Looks like you had blink too, any blinks or potion usage?
Might need to disable boss heretic spawns completely for now unless I find a solution to this.
edit: Also, do you remember if there was a gem on that cross spot tile?
For this case: This was prob around the 5-6 cross so it can happen whenever. The brute did indeed die on a PB at the same time as i picked up the cross. Infact we both had the exact same amount of tiles to walk for our destination (1 tile, i like to set it up this way since it lets you keep the PB tile, my guess is that this is because the boss wont remove the tile since it think there is a heretic on it). No sounds, i play with it of but will turn in on to get information. The heretic died via smite and as far as i can recall no warping through him was taking place. There was prob a gem on the tile since my deck mostly consisted of those. I did not activate any potions.
I think generally most of these things can be said about the bug. it has happend 3-4 times i think. Most of the times PB was involed i think. Generally i have also found some other inconsistencies regarding heretics and brutes. Sometimes they wont move if the board is cleared during the same brickplacement etc. This last paragraph might not be fully accurate since it happend a while ago.
Turning of heretics might indeed be a good idea. It will only affect better players since this only matters after 3rd boss and beyond so the impact is not to huge perhaps. If you need help testing (and if there is a way to organise that) i will gladly help. I love knowing all of the little interesting intricacies of this game.
Side question. After consuming 4-5 Chaos six packs (trying to get another DD potion) they stopped appearing in chests yet vednors still sold them. Is there a cap here as well or just RNG?
Also i would love if you changed is so that the game starts writes say 1.3 T instead of 1300 G. It makes is feel so much nicer hitting that new barrier and seeing that new letter lol (for me this is since i wanna see the Quadrillion symbol as fast as possible lol,)
Edit: If you are going to remove heretic spawns in bosses, please do as fast as possible. Wanna get back to grinding for 1 Quad as fast as possible lol :D
Actually, chaos six pack respects the "only one DD pot per game" rule and so does Pontiff. When I said you could gamble for them, I meant the chaos brew potion which has a completely random potion effect. But of course very risky as it can instantly kill you or fully wipe your score.
I don't like the look of decimal values so that's why I only hop to next suffix after 10. And of course there is the whole point versus comma thing too (I think you guys use comma too right).
I will push an update tomorrow no matter what. If I can't solve this, I'll disable the boss heretic spawns.
I think I may have the solution even though I haven't been able to reproduce this anymore after the first round of fixes. I think it's somehow caused by timing issues and/or ordering of things when heretics move at the same time the cross is grabbed. But the heretics shouldn't even be allowed to move at that point since you move first, grab the cross, boss does it's thing as it's getting hurt and then when it would be the heretic's turn to move, there actually are no more tiles to move to. So I think making them just not even try to take their turn on that scenario would fix this issue.
sounds good to me. By my experience of this glitch i do agree that this sounds like a good fix. Thank you!! Back to grinding for 1 Quad
Will prob finish this run tmrw. 5 T combined with 2 divine dilution? This will be atleast 80 T lol (also have 4 chaos brews for the of chance of another DD potion lol)
Crusade of the day? This is bug of the day! :)
I apologize for the terrible quality of the provided footage. (Since wouldn't accept files larger than 3 MB I had to edit this down to only include me opening chests. In addition to this, the resolution had to be set to 192x108 accompanied by the low color count of 64)
Anyways.. As you can see I received the same options every time I opened a chest. The same three tiles kept appearing over and over, preventing me from collecting any relics or accessories. This continued for each level/round until I died. Fortunately, this has only happened to me once. I have never been able to replicate this bug. Not sure what could've caused this, but it sure is a weird bug don't you think?
Edit note: Perhaps I should mention that entering and exiting full-screen did change the selection of tiles. LMS, do you remember what my first alternatives were? I want to say they included a four-way indulgence tile, no?
Oopsie, looks like I goofed up a bit on my maths and there was a low chance of ending up with a run where all the chests will end up getting the same seed value for their content generation. Good find, thanks!
Marvelous! I had played it a while ago, I am fascinated with the updates added 😊
When you get new scarfs and hats, does it show if you have them already or not in some way? If not it think i should be added? (And yes it is indeed interesting to find these tiny differeces across devices:))
Another thing is about the potions that ad pathways to tiles on hand and on board. These seem to be temporary by my experiments which in that case should be clarified in the potion description (it is currently not)
On a highscore run rn and the vednors does indeed allow for the purchase of a second doubleing of your score. Unless i am stupid this should be a new highscore with a big margin
Nope, hats/scarfs you already have are not marked in any way and you and get same again. I guess for hats it could be shown if you've already got it but not really possible for scarfs as their lengths for example are random floating point values ie. never going to be the same.
Yea I guess I should point out on the descriptions that those are temporary. The gem addition ones do say if they're permanent or temporary but didn't even think about mentioning for paths as they're all temporary.
I liked this game. But what in the world was this orange pawn that appeared? Was it a enemy? It just appeared suddenly, and I saw it moved once I moved, I'll presume it was going after me something.
Well, when it appeared on my way, when I put another tile, the lighting strike, and I lost. So I have no idea what that circle-eye orange pawn does. Do you know what that thing was? Probably, I lost cause this pawn counted as a obstacle or something, so I couldn't pass through.
Yeah, I call them pawns cause they look like chess pawns.
Yes that would be your first encounter with the enemy, a heretic! They indeed block your path and unless you can reach the tile you place, you'll be punished for every uncovered square left on the map. And they are indeed just lowly pawns but the more valued pieces are also lurking out there.
Also, I saw that there were players with their pawn having customizations, for example, one with a scarf. How can you use that and where you find it?
You can find them randomly in the chests.
Uhhh i hate to bring the bad news but this is still a ting unfortuantly. This time i can give some more precise information on what went down. There is a thing were if you pick up a cross at the same time a heretic steps on a PB ad gets smited the PB tile is kept during the "hey am a big bad boi boss so am gonna clear all ur placed tiles" thing. This is precisely what happend here. exept i did not get the cross. Fortunatly it seems you are on the right track since it seems it is connected to heretics.
Side note: I saw youre response regarding the double score potion. I agree that is is balanced to be a one time thing. With brew mastery (i think thats what is what its called) and 5 extra slots you could theoreticly get 4^8= 65536 times your score in like 3 seconds. That would be kinda broken. Spamming chaos brew in late game to get these potions is prob the best strat rn
Hmm, are you sure you played the updated version? I guess it's impossible to say for sure unless you happened to notice the version number on the start menu. Because I for sure fixed one source for this cross get failure happening and can't spot why otherwise it would happen and can't make it happen myself anymore.
Ok that could be the case. I might not have refreshed the tab or something like that. Thanks
Also, do you know what this second icon from the start is?
From the other options and the amount of stuff I guess it must be this. Wonder why it's showing up different for you...
And do those empty gaps (or misplaced icons) happen a lot for you? I thought I had already managed to tackle that issue.
Yes it is indeed Smite. It might be about playing on cromebook. The Contrite icon (kinda funny, have never even seen my favorite power up lol) is always missing as well. The other things only show up when claming a lot of hats and scarfs
Question: Can you recive the same scarf and had twice from chest or do they not re appear when you already have them?
Huh, that's weird. I've seen some very slight differences in other people screenshots (and I guess that is due to different machines having different fonts) but weird how it's like completely different and other one is even missing...
And yes, you can get hat and scarf dupes. They're always completely random with random properties such as colors and scarf length etc. Unless of course playing daily where the same item is the same for everyone.
First of all. Contrite icon i a cool guy with glasses. Thats all i need to know.
Second. Yes it might be about fonts. My Indian friend mensioned that the symbols used here belong to a town near where he was born so thats kinda cool.
Edit: Now that i think about is its definetly about different fonts on different devices. My friend Dalex (hes also here somewere in the discussion feed) has mentioned how Smite is different on Pc
Correct! All icons are actually different.. As you know, LMS, contrite's icon is missing on Chromebook devices. Additionally; the icons for a majority of the red relics are much smaller on Android devices. The circles that are a part of the green relics are also way larger on those devices.
But yeah, that's just how the fonts are made. It's quite fun however to discover these differences across different devices! What do you think? :)
Another lil glitch i found (its not very urgent so dont stress it, take ur time :D) is when you interact with a chest and a vendor at the same time. Sometimes (but only someyimes wierdly) you will enter the chest first and then not get to enter the vendor. Its odd to me how it only happends sometimes. Once again this is not to urgent so take ur time if u need a break from all the glitch patching lol. (no screenshot since this would be difficult to capture)
Haha, all good. I enjoy bug hunting and had a day off work today too so had plenty of spare time. But yeah, this is indeed quite weird but at least not hugely game breaking so I’ll leave it for tomorrow.
A similar thing happened to me once, except I got to enter the vendor after placing two more tiles...
Yea the vendor is marked as "used" when the menu pops up so makes sense that going for it again will then trigger it properly. Do you have any details on when it happened? Could it have been a reward skip?
Any more clues on what could have happened here? Like any common things when it happened? Does it happen early on or later or just when ever? I found out that skipping a reward pick (with contrite) at leat made the vendor not trigger afterwards.
Ah yes that is probably whats happening. It would explain the inconsistencies and as far as i can remember i think (very loose think) that is had only ever happened when i have had contrite and have skipped a reward. The "Cool guy with glasses" relic is probably the culprit.
This is very annoying and it has happened twice. I have tried getting the cross multiple times but it does not work. This completely kills the run and it was prob gonna be a new highscore :(
So what's going on here? Is the cross not activating?
Yes precisely. For some more information it is not like is spawned say on a tile where the heretic stands (has happened before but it is not to bad). It just spawned normaly and when i went to pick it up nothing happend.
And as a side note. Going through this run in one sitting i realized that the time spent is more around 2-3 hours for a highscore run. Multiple sittings threw me of lol
Well this was a tricky one. But managed to repro and fix! Basically as the player and heretics are running the same pathfinding etc, the heretics were also running the cross fetching checks and sometimes overriding the fact that player got it. So I think theoretically they could have also activated the cross.
And thanks to trying to find this, found and fixed another unrelated bug with the heretics on boss level. Thanks again! ❤️
You are the one who deserves a thanks. 4 patch notes in half a day is incredible :D
Also i have a question regarding the potion that doubles your score. During all my runs i have only ever had it once per round. Is that a thing or am i just stupidly unlucky lol
this game totally would be great on mobile!
It does work on mobile (browser) too though it isn't hugely optimized for it (mainly due to the screen aspect ratio). But should be completely playable. Maybe that's the next thing I should tackle and make it make better use of full mobile screen aspect ratio.
just want to tell you I really love your little roguelikes/lites (I even made a collection of them on itch) keep up the great work!
Thanks! ❤️ Will do exactly that... 👍
I guess the boss sometimes still makes it impossible
One life left, yet I'm dead. No luck today
Any idea how this happened? 🤔 And looks like the heretic faces are messed up too.
What about the first cross one too? Did the cross go there and boss break that tile or did the cross just straight up go there?
Oh right, so the dot is the heretics face. Well... it's there
for me it was like this from the beggining.
About the cross, the boss destroyed the tile under it.
Yup! Originally the heretics didn't have that "face". It was added a few patches ago and I think the addition of scarves broke it. Just pushed a patch with these both fixed. Any idea how that losing with 1 life left happened. Did something heal you after going to zero or what?
I was counting the tiles, so I'm sure I was supposed to survive. 5HP and 4 tiles destroyed so I should be left with that 1HP. No idea what triggered that.
Fixed this now (at least I think so). Don't think it was just an issue with the most recent patch but has always been there with the bosses. But of course this scenario not very likely to happen that often. Also made the (boss) levels not allow to overlap with the hand so much.
As a side note, congrats on the number one spot on the leaderboards. 🎉 Awesome score! How long did the run take? As you've probably played it quite a bit, do you have any things you'd like to see added/improved etc?
Thanks! I am not sure of how long the run took as i played it over multiple days but my guess would be probably around 4-5 hours. Of the top of my head i have an idea about the vendors. The vendor who sells mixed tiles is (i feel like) a litte bit uneccessary since wildcards achieve the same effect but way better. It would cool if he sold unique tiles with special powers that can only be aquired from him. Will probably think more about new ideas during the day. Otherwise i think ur doing a great job developing the game and making it more intresting as well as being good at fixing these bugs fast. (playing bigger games you sometimes have to wait weeks for a little patch note). :D
Edit: Have tought a bit more about what special powers these bricks could have. Perhaps they could be stronger versions of the original tiles like a popes blessing healing for more than one or a dynasty 3x your step score (these would still be affected about relics like wildcard or home.
Another idea is a tile that kills of heretics. Whilst we already have this as popes blessing+smite i think this could be nice as a way of making runs less smite (and blink) dependent.
My last idea is kinda wacky but could be cool. Maybe the tile selling vendor could also sell land. This would be something that you could place down to make the map a bit larger. It would be cool and allow for some dynamic gameplay.
As i am not a game developer myself i have no idea how complicated these things would be to implement but they could be cool :)
Second edit (lol): saw your reply. Yes saving runs could be quite nice. When i was on my highscore run i was hella nervous about my battery running out (playing on cromebook). That would make the tabs refresh and the run would be lost
Dang, that's pretty long. Quite a bit longer than I intended for the runs to last. But hey I guess you gotta work for that number one spot. 😜 Wonder if I should add saving if runs can last that long... 🤔
Yea the double gemmed cards of Fibonacci are indeed quite similar and worse than wildcard. But it's still another source of getting them. Having a vendor with completely unique tiles would be cool though. And I do have some ideas about such already brewing.
And yeah, I guess that's a benefit of working completely solo on a game. I can fix stuff quick and just push the changes out to to world straight away without needing some approvals or any red tape.
I somehow spawned outside of the spawn tile. (I was still able to place tiles and move to them, so it was fine. Just thought I'd share this bug)
Also; one time I spawned without a spawn tile and at one point my spawn tile had a penance effect.
Yes, that's a visual glitch that has been there pretty much since the beginning. I suspect that there are some conflicting animations and that's why the character ends up in a wrong spot. It is just visual though and actually it is standing on the starter tile and everything should work just fine and next move you make will fix the situation back to normal.
Hmm, gotta investigate the starting tile having gem effects a bit more thoroughly.... 🤔
Oh I think I misread that last point as a single and not to different instances. The starting tile can be gemmed with some effect and it will remain there for other levels too. And I think the no starting tile at all must have been that all tiles were returned to your hand (with a potion or boss) and then some effect permanently removed that tile from your deck. I probably shouldn't allow that tile to be permanently removed :D
That makes sense! I appreciate you taking the time to fix all these small bugs. This is an awesome game and it allways fills me with joy when a new update is released! Keep up the good work! :)
A pretty big problem. In the latest path note you made is such that if the boss breaks a tile you cant walk there. Since there are some one wide pathways in the bossbattles this sometimes causes the boss to cut the field in half. If the cross is on the other side there is nothing you can do. (Thx for an epic game doe
Hmm, the boss shouldn't break a tile that makes any tile unreachable. Just like the sacrifice spots should work like now. I guess that was multiple breaks? Will try to replicate and fix after work today 👍
Small playability issue: I keep ending up with my cards covering the bottom of the field. (Maybe particularly on boss levels?) A zoom in/out would be helpful there.
Larger issue: more than once, I've run out of plays and had the game not recognize this fact.
Illustration of both:
Yeah, I guess I forgot to take the boss into account for the level size restrictions. Usually it tries to cap it so that everything fits without overlapping with the hand. The boss basically adds a new tile on top (when it's there at the top) and thus the actual height should be one less. Adding to my to fix list.
And for the bigger issue. Hmm. Must be still something wrong with the tiles that boss breaks. Will investigate...
Thanks for reporting these! ❤️
Oh no, my run was ended by a boss cross spawning on a sacrificial spot lol
Lol, casting Clay actually procced the boss into the next stage but didn't move the cross... This is getting ridiculous lmfao
Right right. More stuff to add to the soon upcoming patch. Thanks for letting me know.
very fun mechanics ! thanks
small bug? report : after using Jewel Infusion (adding a random permanent gem) to the starting tile, it stays not only for the next levels but also for the next replays. not sure if it supposed to be that "permanent" :)
Thanks! Yeah it's not supposed all that permanent. To be honest, didn't even think about how it should/would work with the starting tile. I'll fix it in the upcoming patch (that I'm already working on). Here is a super secret sneak peek gif, no one else can see this right 😜
How am I meant to get this cross? haha :P
Oopsie! 😅 Did the boss destroy that tile? I guess it doesn't get marked as off limits for cross 🤔
Managed to replicate this and it's fixed on the just released 1.3.0 version. Thanks for reporting!
I played this before the really cool updates, but I still got to experience how awesome this game is! It was a really fun lil experience, hope to see more from you :D
Cool! So that was the original version, where did you even find it? Was it on the js13k site?
Nope! It was actually on here before the update- I just happened to download it around that time, I think. The file's gone now, sadly. I cleaned out my computer and got rid of it, not thinking much of it.
I think this may be a bug? I'm in a boss fight and had to built myself into this position due to bad tiles at the time. I think the boss is meant to realise I have no path available and hurt me (plus reset the tiles)?
Yeah, seems so. See you got SIN, did it already trigger there or earlier on that level? And I guess it's the second encounter with the boss, did it already break some tiles?
Yeah, I've got SIN. It didn't trigger that round I don't believe and the boss also hadn't broken any tiles yet. It is the second boss encounter.
a small bug I've found
if you use the khan to to make blank tiles with the open chests with blank tiles as you die to a heretic, you can start off your game with more tiles than you'd usually have
Thanks! So the chest picks remain for the next run?
I would totally buy this off of the playstore
very fun game!!I get a high score on it
cool and hard
Hey! This game is dope! I write a blog about indie games and would love to interview you!
I got to the score of 2,875 before dyin