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found a typo



Is there a typo, I'm not noticing it?

Maybe I'm wrong. is that not supposed to say prince? 

Ohh yes it is. Read it many times and didn't notice 😅

Bro I just realized that I'm talking to the dev of the game. 


wow, nice comment me.

Deleted 151 days ago
Deleted 151 days ago

what does the "14" on the ship mean?

Nothing really. It's like your "rank" on the fleet. You're the last one and there are 13 others.

I see. I really liked this game. I'm gonna check out your others. :D

Do you ever get rewarded for taking the useless guy who says his father is rich?

You can, yes. 

(1 edit)

Me: *visits the trinkey guy then fights a ship then visits that same guy again*

*later in that SAME RUN, i visit the guy again for the third time that run*
Coincidence? I think not!

Me: *notices that the sail color is the same as the straight thingie and the hat color is the same as the number color*
Did I just find out the most bizzare coincidence in my life or is this always going to happen to every ship I see?

This isn't a coincidence!

I beat the game. How do you get endless mode?

Press the set sail button there. 

I did!

Enemy: *rolls 6 twos with 6 dice*

Me: Coincidence? I think not!

Flat earth confirmed!

What do you mean "flat earth confirmed"???

Six twos with six dice, gotta be. 

Gotta be a what?

Deleted 152 days ago

It was supposed to be a joke. But yeah, the nice rolls are absolutely random. Rolling six two isn't that rare really, more than 1%.

Okay, i didnt tought i would like this game so much, but its actually really fun. I have a question tho: is the bombardier a reference to the demoman from tf2? Its just the eyepatch and the fact that he has a bomb really reminded me of him.

Nope, not intentionally at least. 

So awesome!

(2 edits)

Infinite mode is too easy (jk)

2nd encounter and I get the below. not sure if I have ever seen that level of upgrade early on.


It's caused by the event you had before. Who ever you don't pick gets added to the next enemy (upgraded).

Wow... Good to know. Thanks!

Follow up question. Do the hats give upgrades or are they purely for decoration?

Purely visual.


Did I see a reference to Rosa the Sea Otter? :)


Yes you did! 😜 And you’re the first to notice/mention. 


What's up with the frog and the word game? I seem to make out "Hello friend!" at the beginning and then I'm lost about how to decipher his message and how to answer (?) him. In the screenshot I also can make out "please" as well as "and", I think. If anyone has a hint who already has figured it out, that would be great :)

Well obviously I know but I don't want to completely spill the beans. But you are indeed on the right track and correct on those words. There is also features in game that allow you to decipher their language easier.


Thanks for taking the time to answer :) Hmm, maybe I will stumble upon one of the features in-game that allow me to decipher the frog language easier. I'm also curious about the frog that has a bookshelf on its boat like the guy that can make one of the crew mates smarter but you can't interact with the bookshelf frog. For the first time, I have a frog on my boat because of the cat goddess but that hasn't made communicating with the frogs easier :D

The most important part of the message is the yellow section in the middle.

Hint: Look at the names of (non-enemy) boats you meet. Anything in common?


guys I think I'm winning


Haha, looks kinda like it 😅

how did you even do this

used split and infinity w/ the pearls and just used a bunch of pearls

Super fun to play and it gets really addicting :D

Do the hats do anything? I'm curious about those cause you get them and they have yellow text, indicating that they do something, what that something is I don't know.


I am invincible! Unfortunately though, this also got stuck there.

Wait, no. It only loops if I keep pressing "space" instead of selecting a dice manually. Still a bug though


Yeah, you should lose when you have no valued dice at all.

After 4 days I finally won a game! Every single one of your games I can't stop playing, I love them all! :D

(1 edit)

I have no idea what the Heart box does, nor do I know how to use the Plate Kit or whatever it's called. Help. Oh and the way the AI chooses which cargo gets shot is so annoying, I roll low and it shoots one that it cant destroy, but roll high and it destroys one that's a low level cargo.
Also I noticed it's been updated but no Dev Log.


Hi. I think the heart dice holds a certain amount of hit points. Haven't figured out how much it holds, yet. But eventually the heart will crack and be destroyed.

The plate kit has some sort of arrow on it like a " >" which shows the direction which dice next to it will be plated. I think it just works on normal white dice and not on orange spice or other plated dice.  So when you have a white 5 dice next to its >, you should get a 5 plated dice in return.

The computer opponent will probably use the same strategy as the player when it comes to incoming damage. You roll a 14 and it sacrifices a low dice, because the higher dice could be useful later.  You roll low, e.g.  a 3 and it puts the damage on a dice that won't be destroyed like one with 4. Leaving him with a 1 on that dice but having still the same number of dice left, thus having still the same roll chance. 

Speaking of chance, there's no way to beat this game each time. Much is based on "luck" and the crew you might get. Dream teams are repair guys giving +1 on your dice when you roll a 0. A cannoneer giving you multiple shots or splash damage. A bard to boost their abilities and a good figurehead etc.

I usually try to keep as much dice in stock as I can and then hope for the best. Good luck :)

Oh and one thing I noticed. If your opponent has plated dice and you reduced them to 1 hp, he will still hold on to them, even if he has a repair guy. I'd rather sacrifice a 1 hp plated instead of a 1 hp regular or dice if I have a repair guy, since he won't repair the plated dice. Hope it helps.

I feel like it should focus on taking out enemy cargo instead of lowering it's health, that way the damage you take is less.

Cargo is health, unless I am not understanding.  Regular (white) dice and cargo (orange) are all counted towards hitpoints/health.  The enemy gets to decide where to take damage, just like you, as the player, does. I would rather take a hit of 3 damage on a 5 die than completely lose a 1,2 or 3 dice. The enemy does the same.  The more dice you have, the better your damage output is with more potential scoring dice.

Sometimes cargo is not good. If you run into a pirate ship with an unwanted potential crew member and refuse the deal, the pirate will go ahead and fight you. If you only have a 2 points of cargo, usually it will be worth it, but if you have 20 points of cargo for a 'mediocre' crew member, they will force you to fight. Depending one where that happens in the run, it can be bad.

Mates are maybe the best early game crew as you will get more encounters. So many other super great combos of crew are available, though

yeah that makes sense actually. Them being able to choose which cargo gets hit


Didn't bother making a dev log as I just fixed some bugs and added pad controls support.

Makes sense. What do the heart blocks do or was the other guy correct about them for the most part?

Yup, that was all correct. The value is random and they will show the crack once they hit under 10. Now that I think about it, I guess it makes sense to do a dev log for even smaller patches so it's not left unclear what changed.

"mox thing" LOL (ik wrong game but i already commented there)

Great game as always!

One issue I encountered was getting stuck on the abandoned boat. Character went over and did not come back, just stayed on the other boat.

Initial encounters influence winning quite heavily. 

The Legacy powerup is super useful. It would have been nice to have a "scuttle" option after defeating the last ship, mainly because I had the Mate and Bard all highly upgraded, which led to non-event random encounters, and losing was kind of hard.  The Seafolk were a great addition, although I am not sure what the trident did all the time.

Thoroughly entertaining!


Do you remember what happened on that abandoned ship? Did you get any loot or it just froze? I'm guessing it silently threw some error and just stopped executing. Did the screen transition to black and back though right after the initial jump?

Yeah it's very luck dependant and some early events can really carry you far. Like in your case, a level 5 mate is sure to give you so much extra events that you're bound to be above the difficulty curve of enemies getting harder. But I don't really mind that there are some pretty busted things (right now at least) when there is no scoring/leaderboard or any other competitiveness (yet maybe).

There are actually two different tridents. You have both cases in those above pictures. One is just an extension of frogifying yourself and one just a consolation prize when you don't have crew members to upgrade.

The abandoned ship - it did transition to black and back, but no loot was added.

I think the beginning events having such an impact on success is fine. It makes some runs a lot more challenging, which is good.

Ahh... the Trident, one of the Seafolk mentioned a special trident that holds great power, so was wondering what that power was. Maybe just being a frog :)


Oh being a frog isn't only visual too, it holds some power too 😉

I got a trident with might upgrade once I think and it made it possible to roll threes

Yup that's it. Might usually upgrades your crew members but that is the consolation prize if it can't happen.

(1 edit)

Same thing happened again. Fade to black and back again, no loot. Just hanging out on the other boat.

Console message populated with the below, but I am not sure  if that is related:

Uncaught TypeError: this.role.ri is undefined




Thanks, that console message is indeed the culprit and will help narrow it down.

can anyone explain the unlucky 13? i dont understand it

If the dice values of your (or the enemy) sum to 13, you lose a turn. And if the damage dice value totals 13, it does no damage.

(1 edit)

thanks, i think i get it

also this game is really fun

Cool idea, well executed!

I have no idea what the different colors mean, I may be stupid but I can't figure it out. What does orange mean?

Orange dice are spice. They behave just like normal dice but can also be used in trading.

Ah ok, thank you very much.

Deleted 195 days ago

Nothing on their own (except be a dice in your inventory, giving you an extra damage dice). You add effects to them with relics.

(1 edit)

and grey dice are plated, they only take one damage at a time but cant be healed by the one that heals on a blank. (however i think they can be rerolled into a higher number at events)


Fascinating game.  I really like it.  However I can't figure out how things work, or if they are bugged.  My Wright turns all 3 value cargo to plated.  Didn't do anything on 3 pip spice or 3 pip cargo.  Never clear if cargo and spice are difference.  Not sure if it doesn't work on reroll, if so, that information would be helpful to know. 


Valid point. So basically, all dice are cargo. Spice cargo pieces usually can't be plated. Shipwright specifically plates only "found cargo pieces" meaning enemy drops and floating cargo. I guess the wording on that isn't quite clear enough.

The Wright doesn't work if you reroll enemy cargo. Is that intentional?


Yup, intended to work like that. It only triggers when you first see the dice. Making all 3s plated (and others too when he is leveled) which you can then gamble a bit and reroll to be higher.

can't stop playing it :)

Glad to hear! 🥳

I just barely avoided it but I wonder if this would be a deadlock:

If you have a swab that reduces the damage by 2, have the unlucky 13 so you can not shoot and the enemy has just one dice so they can never cause damage, I think it will loop forever.

True, it would. Guess I should add some kind of safe guard against infinite loops when missing turns...

Oh no! It got stuck in this screen. The animation continued but the next ship did not appear and it just looped there.

So looks like you were sailing to a next combat and it didn't zoom out and show the shoot button at all? You can see the tip of the cannon of the enemy ship there but for some reason the encounter doesn't start.


Same exact thing happened to me:


This error message might be relevant:



Do you remember what the previous event before that was?

Unfortunately not.


I need more enemies!

Full ship:

Well, you can keep on going and will face tougher and tougher enemies. So it's kinda endless mode after the "win" and you get no more events.


Cannoneer figurehead is a hard carry :D

The game is cool as a rogue like. I would have liked the option to abort the current run (or at least autoplay) to restart quickly once I get I'm about to lose the run


Sure, I could add that for the next patch. You can also just refresh the page to restart in the meantime.

cool game


i am become death

Haha, so it seems. 😂

(1 edit)

love this game !

can you include a music mute so i can hear the sound effects ?

thanks (:


Thanks! Sure thing, will patch it after work today...

had 5 crew mates choose to love with the cat/god and it crashed as I had no more room for more crew I think


Thanks! It's company and not love that adds a crew mate but looks like you're correct. Weird that I didn't catch that. Will fix it after work today...

Fun little cute game! Had fun playing it. But when you get behind especially later in the game, it was somehow impossible to get back. But it was just a small game jam project. Well done :)


True, if you just barely make it through a fight, you're most likely in trouble on the next one if you don't get a lucky game changing event. There is already a bit of nudged chances for some scenarios but I guess it wouldn't hurt to add more of such when you're really under the curve to give you at least a fighting chance. Just gotta design it so that it can't be abused either.

What's the difference between the different colours?


Orange ones are spice, used in trading.

Nice and original, as usual! Just a counter of like how many ships you have progressed would be nice. Or some other kind of scoring.

The enemy ships have a number on side of em, counting down from 13 to 1. 

The boss got me haha

Very nice game, a good vibe of FTS in it ^^

Original, nice sounds/music and I like the style of the little man :p

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