What's up with the girl in the yellow jumpsuit (?), how can you meet her? I'ven been asked about that girl a few times from the furfolk guy who's accompanied by the seafolk people
P.S. Not related to my question but the new bird animations are cute and I appreciate the effort that is put into the game with all the details, challenges and quirky characters to interact with (:
Back at it again! This new update is great, I especially love the green pearl event and the endless mode rework(s).
I’m pretty sure the angel/demon fight reworks are recent as well, the ability to swap out crew members is greatly appreciated. Also, the doctor allowing for (seemingly) infinite upgrades is really nice for more scaling. The spy adds a lot more options to battling as well, and I like how it overlaps with the ability to bribe, making pre-battle decisions more important.
In terms of the green pearl event, I feel like there could be different possibilities of what occurs. Resetting is great especially the first few times, but I was seeing him so many times (I had three copies of The Mark) it felt kind of useless. I suggest either some kind of drawback (maybe losing a relic?), or a chance for other things to happen - losing or gaining cargo, etc. Same thing for the spy and the chest, since it is guaranteed to do nothing if all crewmates have already been upgraded once.
Some sort of anti-soft lock feature for the clam guy (do they count as a mini-boss?) would be nice, even though of course just reloading the game works too. Before I figured out the gimmick, he wasn’t dealing any damage due to a reduce damage taken crewmate, making it difficult to figure out how to prevent soft lock. Perhaps them increasing their damage by one each turn? Not entirely sure, it might get out of control.
I never got the genie to work, although once I noticed some Ös and connected to potential names of crewmates. Will try to pursue that line of reasoning. For some reason, “pearl” or “frog” are not valid answers, but oh well.
I only noticed a few bugs (besides for the easily avoidable one of clicking things too fast). The biggest one was the Handy figurehead not working, the birds flew over but then just continued going with the carpenter.
The prince never got rescued by the king, which may have just been unlucky or something to do with resetting with the event. The ability to have them walk the plank helped out with that, though.
Stealing the last piece of cargo from a ship through the spy doesn’t kill them immediately, but luckily they go down after being shot which luckily avoids soft lock.
Haven’t been able to replicate it yet, but something about the bird boomer combo killing the enemy almost instantly combined with clicking “fire” leaves the dice frozen on the previous screen until the next battle, also making me unable to avoid the angel fight. (Although, it seems as though mandatory divine being battles might be intended?)
I think these new balance changes are great and add a lot more endless potential to the game, and makes the early game much more enjoyable. It seems the constant reset ability just makes it really easy for overpowered builds to be created, whether from pearl relics, 2-3x upgraded diplomat, or lots of splash damage birds, all of which are understandably late game but also not easily countered. Thanks for taking the time to read all of this!
P.S. Are they called trinkets or relics? They seem to be referred to differently, like the “mimic” one says (or at least used to say) “relic” compared to the description of the “trinket collector”. Alright, that’s all. Love this game!
Tough to find the spot from the minified sources but I think I got it. This is probably the same issue that caused a soft lock for some other people too.
Got back into this game recently, and I really enjoy it, however the fishing event I think lasts way to long for such mediocre rewards. By the time you have many crewmates to get more cargo, it's mostly useless.
But yeah. It is still kinda slow and mid rewards (normally). Just waiting is never really that fun. Could probably cut down the wait times to at least half without it really affecting the "experience" that much.
Do you remember if it was a battle or other event that was upcoming there? Looks like it might be the same issue as here and this was said to happen after navigation event and picking swinger event.
There is most likely some unexpected unhandled error case happening there crewing/equipping the next "enemy" ship and that is then freezing the game. Haven't been able to repro this myself or find what may be the cause so any extra information you might have would be welcome.
for some reason, if you beet the boss that shows up if you have too many pearls before the fight begins (via birds) the font for after the battle doesn't reset.
no clue. I assume it's related to resetting the world too many times (since this boat was the one I got directly after I did my 14th reset), but it could also be related to my switching in and out of the tab quite a bit.
I had the same problem, I also think it might have something to do with playing in a reset? Or in my case, my parrots attacked and the cargo was gone and the ship should have gone down under but it was still there.
How does the unlucky 13 mechanic work? I'm currently stuck in an infinite loop of enemy unable to damage me (crew blocks 3 damage), unlucky 13, enemy unable to damage me, unlucky 13...
How many cargo did the enemy have? Were they completely unable to do more than three damage ever? So unlucky 13 happens when your cargo totals up to value of 13 and it makes you miss your turn. Also happens when you roll 13 damage in which case it turns to zero instead. But there is a safeguard that breaks out of infinite loops and allows you to take your turn if the enemy can't damage you at all...
Was thankfully not infinite, was just really unlucky and it went on for about six minutes before stopping. Also, that adds a decent bit of depth into the combat. Thank you!
Some end game content. Think I was pretty much unstoppable at this stage, this was about an hour after hitting 'the end'.
Mass birds + splash damage = the aircraft carrier strategy!
Big problem with the demon sequences is that if you have upgraded attack dice and can roll 3s. Its EXTREMELY unlikely to get the combonation unless you have a stupid amount of plated crates which I luckily did. Also the dice dont all fit on the screen, so I have to just guess.
Really fun, addictive game. I wish there was more progress that carrys over from runs so I feel like I can slowly weight the RNG in my favour. Really hope you keep developing this further!
So 2nd fight encounter I get this. Sin boy can loot 6 extra cargo pieces. I didn't recruit him after the encounter after 1st fight, but this seems a little over powering.
Well, you made the choice. The other crew member you didn't choose ends up on the enemy (upgraded). And this particular crew member gives them more cargo. So that's why it's so crazy second encounter.
Man, this is an absolutely incredible game! I'm already addicted to it. (why did you also have to make a mobile version :]) The are quite a lot of bugs, so I thought I could help by pointing to some of them.
Bug with the blank dice also occured to me, and I think, the cause is the "Split" trinket. It seems that game registers it like a 6-pin dice (but I'm not so sure). Had an incredible run, but I got stuck in the trinketinator infinite loop (as shown in the screenshot above). I think this is caused by triggering the effect several times, and after the first sacrifice, you can just sacrifice the already sacrificed ones, leading into the absurd amount of trinkets on the ship.
Also, I should add, I think that trinketinator effect should be optional (It can ruin some crazy pearl builds, just because random Bob got that effect from the skeleton event). Had a "-" sign show up in the genie event, not sure it's a bug though (maybe for constructing names like "Q-man") Sometimes, after winning the battle, random dice appears at the bottom of the screen (as shown in the screenshot above).
Divine beings fight becomes absurd in the late game, mainly because of the +1 to damage dice trinket. With that, it becomes even harder to get the right combination. Maybe, there should be some button to exit the battle with them. (One battle with them completely ended my ∞*17 run)
Parrot + Spy combination can sometimes break the battle. (For example: if you kill an enemy with parrots, and press the "Spy" button while their death animation is going.)
It's a bit unclear what does "relics" in the "Mimic" trinket description mean. I guess it means all trinkets...?
I think, as I remember, spiced love cargo could drop from "Jake from Spacefarer Games".
I'm really curious, how did you make the word recognition system in the French frog event?
I think it should be it for now, I'll extend this comment if I find or remember some other bugs or issues. Very good game man! Can't want for new updates!
Wow, a big thanks for these. ❤️ Quite of lot of things that no one has noticed (or bothered to point) out that aren't even new from the most recent patch.
I think trinketinator being optional would make it too good. I kinda like having things with downsides so they pose as a choice for the player. Like in that case it would be the best choice to sacrifice Bob to get rid of that ability if your pearl effects were more desirable. I called trinkets relics in code and ended up calling them trinkets later on. Looks like some of my internal naming confusions have bled to the UI side too.
Genie event - dice is indeed coming from parsing the crew names. For the frog game word recognition, I have a list of all possible three letter words in a list.
Divine fights in the end game are supposed to be big threats and even run killers really. Allowing you to back off from it would kinda make them pointless and not scary. Guess the fight should show combinations of numbers your damage dice can roll (ie. take boost trinket into account).
It ends automatically when a (recognized) word is made. I guess the words you’ve tried were something that doesn’t map to anything. It needs to be cre, trinket or something else that actually exists in the game.
More bugs for me to fix! 😅 Was the softlocking run any of these pictured ones? I guess the crew swap caused some kind of error and the game refused to proceed. Would help trying to solve it if I knew what you had (or even more if you'd know what they had too). More things I never even thought of really. How is the love cargo spiced? 😨
These pictures were all from the same run. Before i got softlocked, i got a navigation event, and there was an option to go to "a swinger ship". When i selected that option, i got softlocked. I saw a cannon and a part of the other ship's member, but i couldn't see the full ship. Spiced love cargo was one of the options after i shot Jake
I think I found the reason for the crash/freeze. I guess one of your crew members was "over leveled" so it tried to upgrade opponent crew to match but wasn't allowed to do so.
This is the best run i ever had: a zero dice, lots of dice stolen from a clam ship and pearl and trinket spam untill the game got softlocked when i entered a battle. I even got a rare trinket collector event
Haha, so many things I didn't even know you could do. I have no idea how you could even get a blank dice. And stealing from clam boss seems a bit busted... 😅
For some reason after Jake stole one of my crew members (the one which lets you take extra cargo), his effect still applied to the battle after the event. And I'm not very sure, but i think that if the spy finds an upgrade, he will try to give it to your figurehead if you have one, which wastes it
I'm not sure if I'm just a goofball but I don't really get how the genie event works (where you can get a wish, but he says the options are limited.) Real possible I'm just doing something wrong, though lol
So basically, using the letter dice they have, you can type out a name of something and you will get it. It can be crew member, trinket or a bunch of other ketwords.
Dang, that’s a stacked team. It’s like the best option for all slots (in my opinion at least). Of course could still be better with special crew types. But yeah, the game can be (still) very luck reliant.
Yup, gotta be careful with that event where you get to pick one of two crew members. The one you don't choose will end up on the next fight as upgraded version too. And yup, upgraded mate on second fight is indeed insanely powerful. It might need a bit better scaling based on level... 🤔
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What's up with the girl in the yellow jumpsuit (?), how can you meet her? I'ven been asked about that girl a few times from the furfolk guy who's accompanied by the seafolk people
P.S. Not related to my question but the new bird animations are cute and I appreciate the effort that is put into the game with all the details, challenges and quirky characters to interact with (:
Back at it again! This new update is great, I especially love the green pearl event and the endless mode rework(s).
I’m pretty sure the angel/demon fight reworks are recent as well, the ability to swap out crew members is greatly appreciated. Also, the doctor allowing for (seemingly) infinite upgrades is really nice for more scaling. The spy adds a lot more options to battling as well, and I like how it overlaps with the ability to bribe, making pre-battle decisions more important.
In terms of the green pearl event, I feel like there could be different possibilities of what occurs. Resetting is great especially the first few times, but I was seeing him so many times (I had three copies of The Mark) it felt kind of useless. I suggest either some kind of drawback (maybe losing a relic?), or a chance for other things to happen - losing or gaining cargo, etc. Same thing for the spy and the chest, since it is guaranteed to do nothing if all crewmates have already been upgraded once.
Some sort of anti-soft lock feature for the clam guy (do they count as a mini-boss?) would be nice, even though of course just reloading the game works too. Before I figured out the gimmick, he wasn’t dealing any damage due to a reduce damage taken crewmate, making it difficult to figure out how to prevent soft lock. Perhaps them increasing their damage by one each turn? Not entirely sure, it might get out of control.
I never got the genie to work, although once I noticed some Ös and connected to potential names of crewmates. Will try to pursue that line of reasoning. For some reason, “pearl” or “frog” are not valid answers, but oh well.
I only noticed a few bugs (besides for the easily avoidable one of clicking things too fast). The biggest one was the Handy figurehead not working, the birds flew over but then just continued going with the carpenter.
The prince never got rescued by the king, which may have just been unlucky or something to do with resetting with the event. The ability to have them walk the plank helped out with that, though.
Stealing the last piece of cargo from a ship through the spy doesn’t kill them immediately, but luckily they go down after being shot which luckily avoids soft lock.
Haven’t been able to replicate it yet, but something about the bird boomer combo killing the enemy almost instantly combined with clicking “fire” leaves the dice frozen on the previous screen until the next battle, also making me unable to avoid the angel fight. (Although, it seems as though mandatory divine being battles might be intended?)
I think these new balance changes are great and add a lot more endless potential to the game, and makes the early game much more enjoyable. It seems the constant reset ability just makes it really easy for overpowered builds to be created, whether from pearl relics, 2-3x upgraded diplomat, or lots of splash damage birds, all of which are understandably late game but also not easily countered. Thanks for taking the time to read all of this!
P.S. Are they called trinkets or relics? They seem to be referred to differently, like the “mimic” one says (or at least used to say) “relic” compared to the description of the “trinket collector”. Alright, that’s all. Love this game!
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Tough to find the spot from the minified sources but I think I got it. This is probably the same issue that caused a soft lock for some other people too.
How does the math game work and is it always possible to win?
You just gotta use your dice to calculate to either target number. The targets are fully random so not guaranteed to be always solvable.
Im curious what did Jake from Spacefarer games do exactly? I get the gist but I wanna know more lol
Got back into this game recently, and I really enjoy it, however the fishing event I think lasts way to long for such mediocre rewards. By the time you have many crewmates to get more cargo, it's mostly useless.
nevermind! COWABUNGA!
But yeah. It is still kinda slow and mid rewards (normally). Just waiting is never really that fun. Could probably cut down the wait times to at least half without it really affecting the "experience" that much.
Try hitting M and/or N on keyboard. I guess those shortcut mutes don't show up correctly on the menu.
oh, thanks!
The game soft-locked some 6 ships after finishing. The animation advances a bit when I hover the figures but it does not advance to the next battle.
Do you remember if it was a battle or other event that was upcoming there? Looks like it might be the same issue as here and this was said to happen after navigation event and picking swinger event.
There is most likely some unexpected unhandled error case happening there crewing/equipping the next "enemy" ship and that is then freezing the game. Haven't been able to repro this myself or find what may be the cause so any extra information you might have would be welcome.
If I remember correctly, it was an upcoming battle. I just got the figurehead before that.
Yay, a bug that doesn't completely break the game or soft lock you from progressing... I love those! 🎉😜
For some reason, after i gave my skeleton crew member to the doctor, he didn't just level up, my dice gained +1 to their max roll

Good catch! Looks like skeleton bard was able to affect its own level for applying more perks though the extra one(s) didn't appear on the tooltip.
I, uh, decided to try and spy on a ship with no cargo? I'm now stuck here for eternity. My fault for sending my angel to deal with an impossible task
Wait what!? How was there an enemy ship with no cargo?
no clue. I assume it's related to resetting the world too many times (since this boat was the one I got directly after I did my 14th reset), but it could also be related to my switching in and out of the tab quite a bit.
I had the same problem, I also think it might have something to do with playing in a reset? Or in my case, my parrots attacked and the cargo was gone and the ship should have gone down under but it was still there.
Hmm, weird! So was it a manual restart or the event that rewinds it back to start?
mine was due to the event
oh sweet corn.
This is my end... I couldn't reach my pearls, so my birds would heal the plated as much as I could damage it...
How does the unlucky 13 mechanic work? I'm currently stuck in an infinite loop of enemy unable to damage me (crew blocks 3 damage), unlucky 13, enemy unable to damage me, unlucky 13...
How many cargo did the enemy have? Were they completely unable to do more than three damage ever? So unlucky 13 happens when your cargo totals up to value of 13 and it makes you miss your turn. Also happens when you roll 13 damage in which case it turns to zero instead. But there is a safeguard that breaks out of infinite loops and allows you to take your turn if the enemy can't damage you at all...
Was thankfully not infinite, was just really unlucky and it went on for about six minutes before stopping. Also, that adds a decent bit of depth into the combat. Thank you!
Mass birds + splash damage = the aircraft carrier strategy!
Big problem with the demon sequences is that if you have upgraded attack dice and can roll 3s. Its EXTREMELY unlikely to get the combonation unless you have a stupid amount of plated crates which I luckily did. Also the dice dont all fit on the screen, so I have to just guess.
Really fun, addictive game. I wish there was more progress that carrys over from runs so I feel like I can slowly weight the RNG in my favour. Really hope you keep developing this further!
Dang, those birds be dishing out some crazy damage!
So 2nd fight encounter I get this. Sin boy can loot 6 extra cargo pieces. I didn't recruit him after the encounter after 1st fight, but this seems a little over powering.

Hmm, true. I think those might need to scale up a bit with the encounter level too...
Well, you made the choice. The other crew member you didn't choose ends up on the enemy (upgraded). And this particular crew member gives them more cargo. So that's why it's so crazy second encounter.
Which event was it (and what happened) when it got stuck?
Man, this is an absolutely incredible game! I'm already addicted to it. (why did you also have to make a mobile version :]) The are quite a lot of bugs, so I thought I could help by pointing to some of them.

Bug with the blank dice also occured to me, and I think, the cause is the "Split" trinket. It seems that game registers it like a 6-pin dice (but I'm not so sure).
Had an incredible run, but I got stuck in the trinketinator infinite loop (as shown in the screenshot above). I think this is caused by triggering the effect several times, and after the first sacrifice, you can just sacrifice the already sacrificed ones, leading into the absurd amount of trinkets on the ship.
Also, I should add, I think that trinketinator effect should be optional (It can ruin some crazy pearl builds, just because random Bob got that effect from the skeleton event).
Had a "-" sign show up in the genie event, not sure it's a bug though (maybe for constructing names like "Q-man")
Sometimes, after winning the battle, random dice appears at the bottom of the screen (as shown in the screenshot above).
Divine beings fight becomes absurd in the late game, mainly because of the +1 to damage dice trinket. With that, it becomes even harder to get the right combination. Maybe, there should be some button to exit the battle with them. (One battle with them completely ended my ∞*17 run)
Parrot + Spy combination can sometimes break the battle. (For example: if you kill an enemy with parrots, and press the "Spy" button while their death animation is going.)
It's a bit unclear what does "relics" in the "Mimic" trinket description mean. I guess it means all trinkets...?
I think, as I remember, spiced love cargo could drop from "Jake from Spacefarer Games".
I'm really curious, how did you make the word recognition system in the French frog event?
I think it should be it for now, I'll extend this comment if I find or remember some other bugs or issues. Very good game man! Can't want for new updates!
Wow, a big thanks for these. ❤️ Quite of lot of things that no one has noticed (or bothered to point) out that aren't even new from the most recent patch.
I think trinketinator being optional would make it too good. I kinda like having things with downsides so they pose as a choice for the player. Like in that case it would be the best choice to sacrifice Bob to get rid of that ability if your pearl effects were more desirable. I called trinkets relics in code and ended up calling them trinkets later on. Looks like some of my internal naming confusions have bled to the UI side too.
Genie event - dice is indeed coming from parsing the crew names. For the frog game word recognition, I have a list of all possible three letter words in a list.
Divine fights in the end game are supposed to be big threats and even run killers really. Allowing you to back off from it would kinda make them pointless and not scary. Guess the fight should show combinations of numbers your damage dice can roll (ie. take boost trinket into account).
I can't figure out the Jin. I can spell words but can't end them and it's not possible to use all the letters in one word.
It ends automatically when a (recognized) word is made. I guess the words you’ve tried were something that doesn’t map to anything. It needs to be cre, trinket or something else that actually exists in the game.
Another run where i beat over 100 enemies. But i got softlocked after going to "a swinger ship"
More bugs for me to fix! 😅 Was the softlocking run any of these pictured ones? I guess the crew swap caused some kind of error and the game refused to proceed. Would help trying to solve it if I knew what you had (or even more if you'd know what they had too). More things I never even thought of really. How is the love cargo spiced? 😨
These pictures were all from the same run. Before i got softlocked, i got a navigation event, and there was an option to go to "a swinger ship". When i selected that option, i got softlocked. I saw a cannon and a part of the other ship's member, but i couldn't see the full ship. Spiced love cargo was one of the options after i shot Jake
I think I found the reason for the crash/freeze. I guess one of your crew members was "over leveled" so it tried to upgrade opponent crew to match but wasn't allowed to do so.
This is the best run i ever had: a zero dice, lots of dice stolen from a clam ship and pearl and trinket spam untill the game got softlocked when i entered a battle. I even got a rare trinket collector event

Haha, so many things I didn't even know you could do. I have no idea how you could even get a blank dice. And stealing from clam boss seems a bit busted... 😅
For some reason after Jake stole one of my crew members (the one which lets you take extra cargo), his effect still applied to the battle after the event. And I'm not very sure, but i think that if the spy finds an upgrade, he will try to give it to your figurehead if you have one, which wastes it
Thanks for letting me know about these bugs. At least these aren't anything major game breaking and should be easy enough to fix 👍
I think you made endless enemies too strong
I'm not sure if I'm just a goofball but I don't really get how the genie event works (where you can get a wish, but he says the options are limited.) Real possible I'm just doing something wrong, though lol
So basically, using the letter dice they have, you can type out a name of something and you will get it. It can be crew member, trinket or a bunch of other ketwords.
I'm having a lot of fun with this, but it seems like it's heavily stacked against me. Looking forward to more updates!
Just after posting. KEKW I feel super op, 3 attacks, bard, less damage incoming, +5 to any cargo dropping to 2, bird, Scout
Dang, that’s a stacked team. It’s like the best option for all slots (in my opinion at least). Of course could still be better with special crew types. But yeah, the game can be (still) very luck reliant.
I got turned into a frog and did 666 damage on this poor ship. I have no clue why these things happened

this is insane so early
Yup, gotta be careful with that event where you get to pick one of two crew members. The one you don't choose will end up on the next fight as upgraded version too. And yup, upgraded mate on second fight is indeed insanely powerful. It might need a bit better scaling based on level... 🤔
omg look at all these parrots
Wow, how did you end up with that many?
the parrot mate went to the doctor twice and i think i encountered the parrot boat too
Was gonna comment about someone I found called Jake from Spacefarer games, until I looked down. Now I don't regret shooting him.
Ok, maybe I'm off base, but I'm a bit of an empath and... I'm getting the feeling we don't like Jake. 🤔
Good guess...
I think you might be able to DMCA/Sue SpaceFareGames
I contacted Steam and Nintendo and they both did pull the game off the store.