You should add a scroll bar across the bottom or something like that, in good runs it's impossible to access all of the cargo at the back of your boat, otherwise, great game!
EDIT: I just figured out something cool(totally unrelated) but if you trade, say, a spice with a 2 to the trader, you get 2 of his dice, or if you trade a 6, you get 6 of them
ngl, on the js13k edition it soft locked me into perma- endless mode and then I tried to start a new run and I had like 3 legacies and none of them registered lol
I really like to keep the mechanic symmetric 1:1 so that the player and the enemy have the same rules applied to them thus, they both only choose where they take the hit. But I guess it could be an interesting and very powerful trinket or crew member power to add...
Puzzle or not i think you need more hints/feedback on how the angel/devil fights as well as the backwards text encounters work. They dont give enough feedback for you to tell if your on the right track and have just had bad luck.
My running theory for the divine fights is you need to roll a string matching the number displayed by them, but i've also seen just a single 0 displayed and i'm pretty sure i rolled a blank for that encounter.
The cost of failing divine encounters in particular is a failed run which means you are just not engaging with those encounters unless
A) you have had a run thats already about to die off
B) You have a run thats so far ahead loosing 5+ cargo isn't a concern for you
Your theory is correct. So that shown 0 should have counted if you rolled any blanks. They are indeed meant to be difficult as the potential prize is greater than pretty much everything else there is in the game right now. Quite a lot of the events in the game are ones you can just blindly accept but this one I tried to make it so that you'd have to really consider whether you should gamble or not.
And what comes to the frog language, it's not expected to be solved. Those events don't even count as a real even (you still get another afterwards) and only give out some tips/hits if you've cracked the code. So basically just a pacing change where you might stop for a bit to ponder what is going on between fights. And I'm pretty sure the word game one is solvable even without knowing what they say...
I played this a couple of weeks ago and it worked fine, but now it just shows a black rectangle when I press play on firefox. On chromium it is the same, but with music. Also on the client (it uses chromium too I think).
Would it be possible to make a native windows version, so we can install it via the itch launcher?
That is weird. You're the second person so far to have encountered this and I have no idea what could be causing it. Could you check the console (F12 to access dev tools on Firefox) to see if there are any errors shown there?
And I have standalone on Steam available for few bucks but that too is just a wrapper app using the same browser version of the game. Porting it to completely native would be a quite a big amount of work as it would be pretty much remaking the game completely and it's not something I'm planning on currently.
Huh. For some reason right-clicking on the black square of the game, and clicking "This Frame > Open Frame in new tab" runs the game fine... and now it's running fine on the page too. Really weird.
I know firefox has some trouble running godot games in embeds, so they open in a new window, maybe this is a similar issue?
Really peculiar indeed! I have tried it a bunch on Firefox too (on Mac though) and haven't encountered this ever. And doesn't seem like just a Firefox thing if that happened to you on Chromium too. Since it's playing the music and remaining black screen, my guess would be that there might be some weird error or some other glitch causing the "black curtains" from opening up at the start as they should. But can't find anything that could be causing it really and it's so weird that it magically just started working for you again just like it stopped working too.
To be clear, the problem is still reproducible - If I close my browser, and open it again, it's still black until I open it in a new tab, after which it works as an embed as well, after I refresh this page.
Maybe it has some trouble downloading and caching the assets or somesuch, but works after getting them from the non-embedded version? No idea.
Patch deployed and I'm pretty sure that'll fix it. Seems to be coming from pad controls. Do you happen to have a controller plugged in, one that maybe has less than the "normal" amount of buttons?
i really like this game so far, but whenever i am hovering mouse over one of the guys (so that it shows a bubble with the description), if i scroll with my mouse, i cannot deselect it anymore and the playthrough is softlocked.
True, but they're not really designed to be fun. I don't think everything can be designed to be purely about fun. A game like this needs some things to be an obstacle and a challenge. The fun/accomplishment comes from beating those obstacles. And they (usually) start appearing on the late game where it's throwing everything at you to give some challenge.
I understand where you're coming from, but a run of bad luck against one of those turn-skipping pirates or getting the wrong ally stunned can lose you the run on the spot. the only counterplay available is to hope you can get that one trinket that makes you immune, and you otherwise have no real solution or strategy to stop it
Well yeah, that is indeed true. And not only for skips and stuns, it's still overall way more luck reliant that I'd want it to be. I've been thinking of more stuff I could add to give more actual choice making and counterplay for some common big dangers. But still keeping it balanced so that players can't realistically survive everything (at least before the "end").
That's pretty much true. There are some cases when you get a good seeming start but it still dwindles down before the end but mostly you either get a good start that can take it to the end or don't and lose kinda fast. Of course I could cook the books a bit and tweak the odds for more balance but that doesn't seem "fair" either. I do have some plans on making the end game more challenging and varied which will hopefully make it more interesting.
Hum thank you for your time, I am a young pyame developer. last time, I posted my game on itchio but when people download my game, it can't launch the game, others can't even download it!
Well, I'm not familiar with pygame myself. And it's hard to say what is wrong with just this. My first guess would be that you haven't fully published it if others can't even download it.
Yeah I guess it must be something special you have but no idea really what it could be. So the screen remains black at the start... does the music still play? Could you check the console (F12 on Chrome and then console tab there) to see if it displays some errors?
My game got stuck like this. Previously i cast a fishing line and sailed away before anything happened, then i clicked the G while sailing towards this.
Probably too late to save it but that is a side effect from pad controls (you can scroll through different trinket/crew member tooltips with LB/RB and mouse wheel. You most likely just scrolled and that happened. You can get out of with with pressing space. I'll soon add a way out of it by just clicking anywhere else too cause that's just confusing.
Didn't even realize that those two can indeed be the same one. I don't think it ever happened to me. By the way, that wasn't the king ship where you return the prince and get a crew member or a plated dice. But declining that offer is a valid choice too (though rarely) if you don't like what's in offer as you avoid buffing the next fight.
This game has consumed my every waking thought for days and I just finally won. Its such a good game, I love the art style and overall game mechanics. I'm surprised its not a more popular/well-known game because its so good and has lots of replay value imo. Do the hats do anything or are they cosmetic? I'm slowly figuring out the different puzzle-ly aspects of the game but I'm quite slow lol.
This game is really fantastic congrats! I love the art style and its got that addictive roguelike quality that makes me want to keep doing runs!
Please take this feedback however you want, the game is free, already out and fantastic as is -
I think having the damage tied with health is a really neat way of a simplistic diegetic display, however it does lead to negative feedback loops once you start losing to an enemy of high health. If you start losing lots of dice you are pretty much screwed as you roll less and less dice. This leads to a lot of player frustration as you know you are going to die in the battle and there is no way of catching up.
I think there are plenty solutions to fixing this (if you think its a problem) that you can come up with. One for example being dice go into a "Destroyed state" where they are destroyed after a battle but can still be used until the end of combat. Giving way to some intense combat and feeling like you can still kill the enemy even though you have 1 health.
True, when you start losing it does kinda spiral downwards hard and it doesn't feel great. And as a flip side also when you have more than say something like 10 damage dice, it doesn't really matter either. Haven't come up with a good solution to either of these "problems" really. Leaving destroyed dice as broken ones still contributing to damage would kinda help on the downward spiral but would also make the meaning of having x amounts of damage dice even less as you'd just always get "enough" after just a few battles in.
Not sure if that's what you mean but if you have trinkets or crew members and use mouse scroll, it goes through the different tooltips for them. This is functionality coming from controller support. It closes and resumes normal mode with space button. Guess I need to make if go off with click too or something.
Desperately needs the ability to pick where your shots land. Very frustrating losing to the least strategic plays out of my control. Great aesthetics and concept though, good job!
Hard to say without knowing more. Of course it could be just really bad luck but also can be missing some things (for example not picking up loot or not preserving your cargo dice well enough).
The divine being fights are a puzzle (ish) and I don't want to completely spell them out. Pay attention and experiment...
Ok, I'm starting to slowly figure out this adorable strategy game. One more question tho, whats with the backwards weird font text? I know it's some kind of puzzle but I think with the combination of an unusual font it makes it very hard to decipher. Or again I'm stupid 😅
Glad to hear it's clicking! That puzzle is indeed meant to be very difficult to decipher in its own (though possible). There are some items/effects which make it easier.
Suggestion: a random curse applied every 10 (or 13 👀) infinite fights that counter each specific type of overpowered build. For example: “lose all spice cargo after a successful bribe” (super upgraded diplomat) “remove ability to gain additional relics” (tink), “all crew members are less effective” (bard + boomer/bob), and “split relic no longer creates new dice” (idk of a better way to counter an infinite pearl build)
Add unskippable sea gods boss battles like angels and demons challenges that will progressively get harder and a red sea curse after 13th endless battle that does progressive damage after each battle (like the iceberg event) and change the colour of the sea to red until the end of the game :)
That's a pretty good idea. Adding special challenging events for the end game would help in both keeping it from becoming too repetitive and boring and also adding some more difficulty to it.
That makes a lot of sense. The stunned effect doesn’t appear to go away instantly, so if crew members like scout and bosun are stunned and you try to loot dice too fast they won’t trigger. Probably the same thing happens when legacy triggers on a stunned crew member (he stopped being stunned once I rolled dice I think)
← Return to game
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Should this maybe say "A godly silhouette"
You should add a scroll bar across the bottom or something like that, in good runs it's impossible to access all of the cargo at the back of your boat, otherwise, great game!
EDIT: I just figured out something cool(totally unrelated) but if you trade, say, a spice with a 2 to the trader, you get 2 of his dice, or if you trade a 6, you get 6 of them
infinity cargo combo
be careful it very lag if have to much cargo

ngl, on the js13k edition it soft locked me into perma- endless mode and then I tried to start a new run and I had like 3 legacies and none of them registered lol
On that run I went to infinity 50 with 8000 damage before just saying screw it
Got it too! Also, I had the "1 free pearl after any combat" LOL
Nice game, but can you please let me choose what cargo i want to attack!
I really like to keep the mechanic symmetric 1:1 so that the player and the enemy have the same rules applied to them thus, they both only choose where they take the hit. But I guess it could be an interesting and very powerful trinket or crew member power to add...
I should have though of that, it does balance the game.
I almost turned down the diplomat figurehead... who knew he was the key to eternal life? :D
I only played like 800 times before getting to this point.
I had a god with diplomat skills and whenever I gave a 5 dice, it had a 100% chance(it was upgraded and I had upgraded minstrel)
I'm your dad.
No, Luke, I AM YOUR DAD!!!
Bro I two tridents another time. Remember when I got two?
Hmmmmm nothing or nothing hmmmm
I say you go for nothing
Im just a LAD
Puzzle or not i think you need more hints/feedback on how the angel/devil fights as well as the backwards text encounters work. They dont give enough feedback for you to tell if your on the right track and have just had bad luck.
My running theory for the divine fights is you need to roll a string matching the number displayed by them, but i've also seen just a single 0 displayed and i'm pretty sure i rolled a blank for that encounter.
The cost of failing divine encounters in particular is a failed run which means you are just not engaging with those encounters unless
A) you have had a run thats already about to die off
B) You have a run thats so far ahead loosing 5+ cargo isn't a concern for you
Your theory is correct. So that shown 0 should have counted if you rolled any blanks. They are indeed meant to be difficult as the potential prize is greater than pretty much everything else there is in the game right now. Quite a lot of the events in the game are ones you can just blindly accept but this one I tried to make it so that you'd have to really consider whether you should gamble or not.
And what comes to the frog language, it's not expected to be solved. Those events don't even count as a real even (you still get another afterwards) and only give out some tips/hits if you've cracked the code. So basically just a pacing change where you might stop for a bit to ponder what is going on between fights. And I'm pretty sure the word game one is solvable even without knowing what they say...
Please explain what the frogs do, even just a hint would be very appreciated. Pretty please
EDIT: also explain the demon/angel fights, thanks in advance. Also also, thanks for responding so soon :)
The same as their normal crew member counterparts but better (ie. level two at the start).
An interesting little game, a good example of sound scoping for a jam while still being fun to play.
I played this a couple of weeks ago and it worked fine, but now it just shows a black rectangle when I press play on firefox. On chromium it is the same, but with music. Also on the client (it uses chromium too I think).
Would it be possible to make a native windows version, so we can install it via the itch launcher?
That is weird. You're the second person so far to have encountered this and I have no idea what could be causing it. Could you check the console (F12 to access dev tools on Firefox) to see if there are any errors shown there?
And I have standalone on Steam available for few bucks but that too is just a wrapper app using the same browser version of the game. Porting it to completely native would be a quite a big amount of work as it would be pretty much remaking the game completely and it's not something I'm planning on currently.
Huh. For some reason right-clicking on the black square of the game, and clicking "This Frame > Open Frame in new tab" runs the game fine... and now it's running fine on the page too. Really weird.
I know firefox has some trouble running godot games in embeds, so they open in a new window, maybe this is a similar issue?
Really peculiar indeed! I have tried it a bunch on Firefox too (on Mac though) and haven't encountered this ever. And doesn't seem like just a Firefox thing if that happened to you on Chromium too. Since it's playing the music and remaining black screen, my guess would be that there might be some weird error or some other glitch causing the "black curtains" from opening up at the start as they should. But can't find anything that could be causing it really and it's so weird that it magically just started working for you again just like it stopped working too.
To be clear, the problem is still reproducible - If I close my browser, and open it again, it's still black until I open it in a new tab, after which it works as an embed as well, after I refresh this page.
Maybe it has some trouble downloading and caching the assets or somesuch, but works after getting them from the non-embedded version? No idea.
If I close the new tab ( ), and refresh the embed, it is again black.
This opening in new tab does not fix it in chromium.
Both browsers show similar errors:
Thanks, that should be enough to hunt the bug down and do a blind fix even though I can't replicate it myself.
Patch deployed and I'm pretty sure that'll fix it. Seems to be coming from pad controls. Do you happen to have a controller plugged in, one that maybe has less than the "normal" amount of buttons?
bro i got a guy with a ship named "run"
Every time i get that one, it sinks
i really like this game so far, but whenever i am hovering mouse over one of the guys (so that it shows a bubble with the description), if i scroll with my mouse, i cannot deselect it anymore and the playthrough is softlocked.
Pressing space will close that when it happens. Will fix it soon.
this game has so much potential, but I cannot conceive of a world where having your allies disabled or your turns skipped is in any way fun
True, but they're not really designed to be fun. I don't think everything can be designed to be purely about fun. A game like this needs some things to be an obstacle and a challenge. The fun/accomplishment comes from beating those obstacles. And they (usually) start appearing on the late game where it's throwing everything at you to give some challenge.
I understand where you're coming from, but a run of bad luck against one of those turn-skipping pirates or getting the wrong ally stunned can lose you the run on the spot. the only counterplay available is to hope you can get that one trinket that makes you immune, and you otherwise have no real solution or strategy to stop it
Well yeah, that is indeed true. And not only for skips and stuns, it's still overall way more luck reliant that I'd want it to be. I've been thinking of more stuff I could add to give more actual choice making and counterplay for some common big dangers. But still keeping it balanced so that players can't realistically survive everything (at least before the "end").
what is this frog guy???
what do kits do????
i got stuck with no options
You either get nothing of value at the start and die in 4 battles or get 5 crewmates early and crush everything until infinity 10
That's pretty much true. There are some cases when you get a good seeming start but it still dwindles down before the end but mostly you either get a good start that can take it to the end or don't and lose kinda fast. Of course I could cook the books a bit and tweak the odds for more balance but that doesn't seem "fair" either. I do have some plans on making the end game more challenging and varied which will hopefully make it more interesting.
Hi please, I very need you .
Hum thank you for your time, I am a young pyame developer. last time, I posted my game on itchio but when people download my game, it can't launch the game, others can't even download it!
I like know if you can help me ? Merci
Well, I'm not familiar with pygame myself. And it's hard to say what is wrong with just this. My first guess would be that you haven't fully published it if others can't even download it.
The game screen is black :(
What do you mean, like the game just fails to load? Weird, don't think I've heard anyone else have that kind of an issue. What browser are you using?
I'm using Chrome, I also tried different browsers, like firefox and microsoft edge; none of them worked...
That's very weird. No idea at all why it wouldn't work on some computer specifically on any browser. 🤔
Then maybe it's my computer.
Yeah I guess it must be something special you have but no idea really what it could be. So the screen remains black at the start... does the music still play? Could you check the console (F12 on Chrome and then console tab there) to see if it displays some errors?
why did the pearl block ate my whole ship?💀
What do you mean it ate the whole ship? 😱 But yeah, hard to say, there are multiple different pearl effects that you can stack on them.
5 angels on board 😇
Nice! Mate feeling left out...
Wright will only plate 3s on the initial drop, but not rerolls, not sure if that's on purpose or not
Yeah, it's intended to be that way.
My game got stuck like this. Previously i cast a fishing line and sailed away before anything happened, then i clicked the G while sailing towards this.
Probably too late to save it but that is a side effect from pad controls (you can scroll through different trinket/crew member tooltips with LB/RB and mouse wheel. You most likely just scrolled and that happened. You can get out of with with pressing space. I'll soon add a way out of it by just clicking anywhere else too cause that's just confusing.
I managed to get out of this through pausing and then using the arrow keys to navigate the pause menu, then unpausing
just press space
I figured out the frog language
Nice! 👍
plated cargo needs to be nerfed
keeps the prince
Didn't even realize that those two can indeed be the same one. I don't think it ever happened to me. By the way, that wasn't the king ship where you return the prince and get a crew member or a plated dice. But declining that offer is a valid choice too (though rarely) if you don't like what's in offer as you avoid buffing the next fight.
tink is good, I just thought It was really funny
how did i got a messege "ur feeling extra greedy today" is it bc of the prince? bc he is spoiled eh?
I'd guess you had cabin boy, he allows you to loot extra cargo pieces and that message identifies you can loot more than one.
I'm pretty sure that's when you can loot 3 or more
while quite greedy is 2
ay atleast he is good parner for fishing
This game has consumed my every waking thought for days and I just finally won. Its such a good game, I love the art style and overall game mechanics. I'm surprised its not a more popular/well-known game because its so good and has lots of replay value imo. Do the hats do anything or are they cosmetic? I'm slowly figuring out the different puzzle-ly aspects of the game but I'm quite slow lol.
Ahh thanks, glad to hear! The hats are indeed just purely cosmetic. For now at least.
This game is really fantastic congrats! I love the art style and its got that addictive roguelike quality that makes me want to keep doing runs!
Please take this feedback however you want, the game is free, already out and fantastic as is -
I think having the damage tied with health is a really neat way of a simplistic diegetic display, however it does lead to negative feedback loops once you start losing to an enemy of high health. If you start losing lots of dice you are pretty much screwed as you roll less and less dice. This leads to a lot of player frustration as you know you are going to die in the battle and there is no way of catching up.
I think there are plenty solutions to fixing this (if you think its a problem) that you can come up with. One for example being dice go into a "Destroyed state" where they are destroyed after a battle but can still be used until the end of combat. Giving way to some intense combat and feeling like you can still kill the enemy even though you have 1 health.
True, when you start losing it does kinda spiral downwards hard and it doesn't feel great. And as a flip side also when you have more than say something like 10 damage dice, it doesn't really matter either. Haven't come up with a good solution to either of these "problems" really. Leaving destroyed dice as broken ones still contributing to damage would kinda help on the downward spiral but would also make the meaning of having x amounts of damage dice even less as you'd just always get "enough" after just a few battles in.
On the web version, it bugs when I scroll and I can't plat anymore (the game keeps going but I can't click anything)
Not sure if that's what you mean but if you have trinkets or crew members and use mouse scroll, it goes through the different tooltips for them. This is functionality coming from controller support. It closes and resumes normal mode with space button. Guess I need to make if go off with click too or something.
Desperately needs the ability to pick where your shots land. Very frustrating losing to the least strategic plays out of my control. Great aesthetics and concept though, good job!
Enemy gets to pick those ie. they are not strategic for you. Just like you choose where you're getting hit.
Maybe I'm stupid but I just can't get past like 3 encounters. Have I just not gotten lucky or am I not understanding how to play :(
Also, how to defeat divine beings?
Hard to say without knowing more. Of course it could be just really bad luck but also can be missing some things (for example not picking up loot or not preserving your cargo dice well enough).
The divine being fights are a puzzle (ish) and I don't want to completely spell them out. Pay attention and experiment...
Ok, I'm starting to slowly figure out this adorable strategy game. One more question tho, whats with the backwards weird font text? I know it's some kind of puzzle but I think with the combination of an unusual font it makes it very hard to decipher. Or again I'm stupid 😅
Glad to hear it's clicking! That puzzle is indeed meant to be very difficult to decipher in its own (though possible). There are some items/effects which make it easier.
oh wait there's a trinket that deals with that. nevermindd
Bug where level 2 crewmate from upgraded prince reward doesn’t show as level 2 until chosen?
Too easy. Made it through 60 battles in total before I got bored. Infinite mode needs events or something.
Gotcha! I’ve been thinking of ways of making it get harder without getting boring.
Suggestion: a random curse applied every 10 (or 13 👀) infinite fights that counter each specific type of overpowered build. For example: “lose all spice cargo after a successful bribe” (super upgraded diplomat) “remove ability to gain additional relics” (tink), “all crew members are less effective” (bard + boomer/bob), and “split relic no longer creates new dice” (idk of a better way to counter an infinite pearl build)
Add unskippable sea gods boss battles like angels and demons challenges that will progressively get harder and a red sea curse after 13th endless battle that does progressive damage after each battle (like the iceberg event) and change the colour of the sea to red until the end of the game :)
That's a pretty good idea. Adding special challenging events for the end game would help in both keeping it from becoming too repetitive and boring and also adding some more difficulty to it.
Favorite bug: Angry crew member
Pretty funny. How did that even happen? Was he somehow angry on the run before too?
edit: Oh now I might know. He was probably stunned on the end of the last run...
That makes a lot of sense. The stunned effect doesn’t appear to go away instantly, so if crew members like scout and bosun are stunned and you try to loot dice too fast they won’t trigger. Probably the same thing happens when legacy triggers on a stunned crew member (he stopped being stunned once I rolled dice I think)