Patch 1.2.3

A few more minor bug fixes...

Fixed an issue where the Skeleton Bard crew member could affect its own level. It was gaining an extra perk even when not yet upgraded, but this wasn’t reflected in the tooltip.

Fixed a visual glitch affecting Handler and Tinkerer when they were equipped with a sword. This happened after the event where you pick one of two crew members, and the next enemy receives the other.

Slightly nerfed the enemy Mate and Cabin Boy crew members when encountered early on (due to the same crew-picking event). The amount of cargo they provide now scales down based on how early in the game the encounter occurs.

Addressed a potential soft lock caused by the Rewind Pearl event, which could lead to the next enemy encounter having no cargo at all. This could cause issues, such as the Spy being sent to steal from a ship with nothing to take. Now, it should be impossible for enemies to have no cargo at all, preventing this issue.

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