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game is broken right here

What happened?

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every time i clicked on one of my dice, it would freeze and make kssssshhhhhhhhh noise

did it again here. something is wrong with bomb dice when u try to click on them  

Gotcha, thanks for the hint! Will investigate and patch probably coming later today...

Wonder if it's trying to go infinite with those two rigged dice damaging each other back and forth... 🤔

idk but ill add that the game freezes and makes the noise as long as your cursor is on the dice after clicking but stops after you move it off the dice. 

Enjoy the absurdity i got from this game's last update

though the new frog enemies with plated health seem to be slightly bugged

when they start with absurd health, like 30 health

then heal

they just reset themselves back down to 9 health, at which point i can easily just one shot them with the absurdity of my current run

Oh damn, guess I never thought of trying how they function when they have more than 9 life on their dice. Seems like it hits the normal dice 9 max cap when healing even if it already had more than that... 😅

well, then finding this bug is a nice outcome of the absurdism of my first run today

No one was able to defeat me, until i found a leach relic at which point i drained away all my crates myself by turning them all into pearls

got the craziest build with the devil and angel guy

How did you beat them?

I just bribed them with my spice


The game is great and ive learned a good amount about the game.

The gameshow frog is like the sea beast event but you have to beat its game to get a random reward. The goal is to try and make 3 letter words that are usually items. Choose carefully because you'll probably run out of useful letters to make a word. When you beat it the frog will give you a random effect like might, love, luck, company, courage, etc etc.

Might from the sea beast does 2 different effect. One if you have a crew member(s) and one if you dont. If you have crew members theyll be buffed to the next lvl unless they're already lvl 2. If you dont have any crew member youll receive a trident which'll give you a chance to get 1 more additional points on your dices. (Instead of rolling 2 max you can roll 3 max)

The battle with the demon or angel crew members can be won but its complicated. You need around 10 cargo to be able to have  chance to beat them, you need to make sure when you roll whatever the number they display is the same order that your dices show, Keep a eye out to what they're ability is because they'll be a good use to the crew but if you battle them, they'll use their abilities against you.(exp, if you see one that say's he'll allow you to get free deals from pirates, its best not to fight him, because when you do his affect is against you, turning into __% chance to intimidate you. Kinda annoying -_-

Heart dice has a random amount of cargo health so it could be from 1-100 or something like that.

Luck just gives you 3 dice to reroll your entire cargo ship

company gives you a random lvl 2 crew member

health maxes out all cargo

courage makes you a frog which has the effect of whenever you land a 13 or 0 you shoot a 666 damage shot.

If you ever meet the slaver vessel who is giving you the option to choose one member or the other, Choose wisely. Whoever you left behind will be on your next enemy ship and they'll be lvl 2.

I got some other stuff but I'm having a hard time to remember them all lol

Other than this and a few other stuff, bugs and wtv the game is amazing. Love it

Nice, you're pretty much spot on with everything mentioned. 👍

Thanks! It took me some time to understand how it all works.

One thing, is the next patch going to possibly coming with a fix when you set sail? Sometimes after I finish a battle and I set sail the button is still there, bugging my game because if I press it and I reach a event it'll crash my game.

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Of course I'd be able to add it in if I'm able to reproduce it. Any tips on how to reliably make it happen? And how does it crash? Does it like freeze or completely crash or just ends up working wonky? Even if the button is there on an event, it shouldn't matter really. Though clicking on sail button and some event button at the same spot might do something weird. Might be some timing issue related to looting fast ie. not letting the timers run their course. I'll have to do some investigations...

edit: Now that I thought about it some, I could even do a safety "hide all buttons" when sailing from battle to event just in case even if I can't repro the issue myself. That at least should ensure it stops messing with the next event.

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So what usually happens is after a battle (doesn't happen often but it does happen) I press "set sail" and for some reason after I press it the button goes away and then comes back. 
Lets say I'm getting a new crew member and the "set sail" is under the "accept" button. When I press "accept" I also press "set sail" which makes me obtain the new crew member, but move at the same time. When that happens there's usually 2 events going on at once with multiple buttons under one another. After pressing it one more time the game freezes and I cant do anything.

Edit: Yea that could work, I wouldnt really know, but after sometimes having a great run and then this happening it gets a little annoying.

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Also will the new patch possibly have something to do with helping at the start of the game? Cause I know other people have faced this and its gets a little frustrating sometimes but it gets tiring after the first enemy (#13) you instantly meet either the challenge devil/angel, the pirate, which could possibly give you a bad crew member but if you challenge it'll lower your chances to win the next fight with #12, and some other events, that would usually be considered a waste at the start of the game but are really useful lately game depending on how your progressing.

Edit: I was thinking that if you decline the offer of the pirate, fight, and win, it'll result in a new event so you have a fighting chance with the next enemy. DEPENDING on how you progressed in the game. If you possibly don't have a fighting chance it'll cause another event that will probably be useful. If you do have a chance it wont cause anything. I got some other ideas but you let me know if you'd like to hear them

ah, the heart cargo has been quite the mystery to me
the heart acting as a random unknown value from 0-100 would make sense, and would make sense as to why it would break seemingly at random for me

got to ∞x15 with a bad setup lol, nice game

Cool game
finally... it was so fun! I liked this game so much it took 40 min to finish.

Way too cool!!!

curious how exactly the heart cargo functions


Of course he will. But he is scary!


This game is nice! One thing I find a bit frustrating is that it is soo luck based. And I'm not talking about the dice, no, I'm talking about the random interactions on your journey. If you don't get some good crewmates, you're out of luck and sometimes you have literally no chance to get them, until it's too late.

So it would be nice if one could maybe have more choices as to what event to meet, like you sometimes have, or to have some sort of map, telling you broadly what is to come, to prepare yourself better.

Still a very nice game!


100% agree! It's been by exact pain point with this game since the very first versions and I've been trying to make it less so every patch. And the upcoming 1.2.0 patch is no exception! There will be several new ways for players to have more control over the upcoming events. I'm also nudging the numbers a bit that for example the further along you go without any crew mates, the more likely it gets to encounter events granting you one. Of course these will not completely "fix" the randomness but I'm pretty positive it'll make it less of a luck factor whether or not your run will do well.

might be nice if there was a grantee to get a positive event of some kind after the first encounter, just to help get runs going.


That's not a bad idea. And especially now that I'm introducing even more events on the upcoming patch, it'd be nice to guarantee more of a "normal" event that gives you a crew member or more cargo to start with.

newgame+ options that help streamline your starting setup in new games could also help

Like what? 🤔

"This looks cool I'll try it just for a little while", 10 runs later...

Got hooked in the game and the music is really catchy, The gameplay is pretty simple so you can just play it in the go.

Seems last patch was 2 months ago, but keep up the good work this game is pretty fun!

Thanks! Yeah, patch 1.2.0 is on the works and progressing quite nicely. My goal at the moment is to get it out before Monster Hunter Wilds gets released and will inevitably consume all my free time for a while.

Love the music, where is it from?

Thanks! It's not "from" anything. I made it specifically for this game.

No way! Do you have it somewhere else like on YouTube or something, I could 100% listen to it by itself


Finally beat the game!

I can't figure out what the orange or blue dices are for! cool game though


They should explain it when you first time encounter them (or have a source for gaining one).

The orange ones are spice, used in trading. Other than that they function like normal dice. Blue ones are plated and can only receive 1 point of damage at a time no matter how big the roll is.

I love this game, played for hours without boredom, thank you!

I got Carp and it's the only way I managed to succeed. He's almost OP. It's still not enough though, as enemy ships will have more cargo and crew members as they progress.

No idea how to beat demons/angels, so I skipped them.

I'd love a version of this game that is actually beatable and better explains all the mechanics. What does LOVE do exactly?

It is beatable though it does require a fair bit of luck (and/or game knowledge). And of course it goes to "endless mode" after a win so it end right after beating it.

I do like to keep the things somewhat mysterious, not to the level of Isaac, but a least requiring a little bit of experimentation and player learning so that not everything is completely transparent like for example in Slay the Spire.

LOVE gives you a special cargo dice that doesn't fully show the number of it. So it can be a big damage sink but not completely show how much it can take.

demons/angels will show a 4 digit number next to them, you must roll your dice and have 4 dice roll in that sequence

ex: if the digit sequence is 2112

you would have to roll a 2,1,1,2

Love gives a dice with a lot of health. I do not know how much, but when the heart breaks there is not much health left

It's not always four numbers. It can be less or more depending on the progression. And there is a tiny missing details there too that makes it easier I'm not sure if you've noticed. 😜 But you've nailed what LOVE is though. The amount of it is random so might be hard to fully map out but it is always lots (less than 100 though) and it cracks when it's getting low.

Ayy I finally won after clicking past a godly event by mistake


Can you please make this game somehow 3D

Great game, slight complaint

Dodge is op

Aight! I'm working on the next patch, I'll see if it's worth toning it down a bit.

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FYI, same guy, diff device + different account.

Nice to see a developer checking comments, dodge all 3 is kinda strong alone, 33% chance already, but once you get up in infinite mode, dodge mults of 3, 4, 5, and 6 is kinda op, even if 6 is irrelevant, and 4 and 5 are irrelevant every 3rd or so.

All numbers that dodge are, in low terms, 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 16 18 20 21 24 25 27 28 and 30. That's 18 out of 30, 60% dodge, it scales in reducing amounts, but two misses in one battle could cost you many cargos, especially since I've yet to find a friendly dodge guy.

And if they somehow get a level 5, which would include dodge 7, that chance would rise to a whopping 70% dodge chance on average.

But yet again, 8, 9, and 10 would be utterly useless since 3, 4, and 5 hit those, making levels 6-8 worthless until you hit level 9, which then dodges 11 by the counting logic, dodging 80% of attacks on average.

I need to stop yapping...

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But outside of that this is a very cool little game :D

sorry but i dont get it, why do i roll with 1-6 dice and then when shooting i dont role higher then 2

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For balance reasons. If damage was rolled 1-6 too, the numbers on the hp dice become almost meaningless as you'd pretty much always 1-hit a dice. So I changed the damage dice to roll values (d6 - 1) / 2 (rounded down).

Ah okay, thx for replying 👍

please play my game phisci sim 1

Is there any downside to taking on crew members or hats?

Hats are absolutely pure visuals, they have no function at all (and are "free events"). Most of the time there is no real reason to decline crew member offers either. Unless you'd prefer some other crew member for that specific slot etc. And there are some scenarios where it's an option between crew member and something else.

I appreciate your responses. I'll have to try some of your other games!

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Why can I only take 1 loot? It makes it very difficult since you can't recover health easily.
What is Unlucky 13? (I got 4 in a row once). I also rolled a 13 and accepting that roll causes the same thing to happen.
Is the cargo of the opponent targeted or does the CPU choose?

I agree with other statements. It's too luck based. My second run was better as I had to plates in close succession but then I got to a OP ship and died. There's no way to steal victory either as your dice pool is your health.

I can almost understand the frogs but the font makes it hurt my eyes and my brain.

I played it a few times and there is some strategy involved. Wish I knew more about the mechanics before playing. So many unanswered questions. What is a Divine Being, for instance?

You probably haven't seen divine beings then. They're angel/demon characters. And the unlucky 13 happens when your damage dice or your total cargo adds up to 13 and it causes you (and they opponent too) to skip that turn.

Thanks for letting me know. I think I met a demon once and fought an angel. No idea how to pass the latter.

for some reason, when I got the bribe figurehead and ended up giving the enemy like 200 megatons of spice and started to get a LOT of cargo, i just started laughing because the dice rolls lagged my computer and turned into static haha

the only thing about this is that sometimes since i'm rolling so much dice the damage just counters to zero which kinda sucks...

It's a good and simple RNG game, although the odds of getting a 'good run' seem to be heavily stacked against me somehow, always giving me 1 or 2 bad encounters in a row just when I think I have a chance.
On some runs, I wont have a single chance of getting another crewmember and then die because the dice wont roll well enough for me to trade shots. Other times I'll get multiple crew members/powerups that turn out to be essentially useless in the run before I encounter an enemy with crew members that actually help in combat.

I literally just lost my last two runs where I had splash damage or double shots to the same guy who can stun my crew, what are the chances?!

Also, I have no clue how to win against the angels, and they seem so rare and brutally costly to deal with, that I probably wouldn't take the chance even if I did know.


Agreed, it's still too luck based really. I've been trying to make it less so in every patch since the original and it still is a high priority for the upcoming 1.2 patch too. Of course alongside more content and making the end game more interesting. I'm even considering nudging the numbers a bit so that it'd get more likely to get a "good event" the further you go without any crew members so it would balance it a bit more and make unlucky dead runs less likely.

The angel battles are indeed tough and require some luck too but the prize for success is top tier also. And maybe I should nerf the enemy diplomat a bit so it wouldn't be quite as deadly on a non upgraded diplomat at least. 

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I appreciate the sound response.

I will admit, there is still some calculated skill that I'm not fully taking advantage of with the dice rolls, mainly with the 'unlucky 13' mechanic, so my only real gripe is getting lucky with crew members. I do like the events that rely on choices or risk and reward so the idea of the good events being more likely before you take on crew seems good, I also like the encounter that gives you a choice of two crew members. 

With the enemy crew types, I've only had real issues with Evil Dandy and the Diplomat. I would maybe suggest some of these crew effects only last for a number of turns rather than the entire combat?

Regardless, I have enjoyed discovering and/or figuring out all of the different aspects this game has to offer, even when I am astoundingly unlucky.


also 420 damage teehee

 I'm a hybrid between satan and god. help.

Should this maybe say "A godly silhouette"?


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You should add a scroll bar across the bottom or something like that, in good runs it's impossible to access all of the cargo at the back of your boat, otherwise, great game! 

EDIT: I just figured out something cool(totally unrelated) but if you trade, say, a spice with a 2 to the trader, you get 2 of his dice, or if you trade a 6, you get 6 of them

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infinity cargo combo

be careful it very lag if have to much cargo

ngl, on the js13k edition it soft locked me into perma- endless mode and then I tried to start a new run and I had like 3 legacies and none of them registered lol

On that run I went to infinity 50 with 8000 damage before just saying screw it

Got it too! Also, I had the "1 free pearl after any combat" LOL

Nice game, but can you please let me choose what cargo i want to attack!

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I really like to keep the mechanic symmetric 1:1 so that the player and the enemy have the same rules applied to them thus, they both only choose where they take the hit. But I guess it could be an interesting and very powerful trinket or crew member power to add...

I should have though of that, it does balance the game.

 I almost turned down the diplomat figurehead... who knew he was the key to eternal life? :D

I only played like 800 times before getting to this point.

I had a god with diplomat skills and whenever I gave a 5 dice, it had a 100% chance(it was upgraded and I had upgraded minstrel)

I'm your dad. 

No, Luke, I AM YOUR DAD!!!

Bro I two tridents another time. Remember when I got two?

Hmmmmm nothing or nothing hmmmm

I say you go for nothing

Im just a LAD

Puzzle or not i think you need more hints/feedback on how the angel/devil fights as well as the backwards text encounters work. They dont give enough feedback for you to tell if your on the right track and have just had bad luck. 

My running theory for the divine fights is you need to roll a string matching the number displayed by them, but i've also seen just a single 0 displayed and i'm pretty sure i rolled a blank for that encounter. 

The cost of failing divine encounters in particular is a failed run which means you are just not engaging with those encounters unless

A) you have had a run thats already about to die off

B) You have a run thats so far ahead loosing 5+ cargo isn't a concern for you

Your theory is correct. So that shown 0 should have counted if you rolled any blanks. They are indeed meant to be difficult as the potential prize is greater than pretty much everything else there is in the game right now. Quite a lot of the events in the game are ones you can just blindly accept but this one I tried to make it so that you'd have to really consider whether you should gamble or not.

And what comes to the frog language, it's not expected to be solved. Those events don't even count as a real even (you still get another afterwards) and only give out some tips/hits if you've cracked the code. So basically just a pacing change where you might stop for a bit to ponder what is going on between fights. And I'm pretty sure the word game one is solvable even without knowing what they say...

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Please explain what the frogs do, even just a hint would be very appreciated. Pretty please

EDIT: also explain the demon/angel fights, thanks in advance. Also also, thanks for responding so soon :)

The same as their normal crew member counterparts but better (ie. level two at the start). 

An interesting little game, a good example of sound scoping for a jam while still being fun to play.

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